Frederique Krupa
Frederique Krupa
Director of the Digital Design Lab at l'école de design Nantes Atlantique, P2I AI & Acceptability
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Cited by
Cited by
Becoming a graphic and digital designer: A guide to careers in design
S Heller, V Vienne
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
The privatization of public space
F Krupa
The State of the Public Realm [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www …, 1993
Llm-based interaction for content generation: A case study on the perception of employees in an it department
A Agossah, F Krupa, M Perreira Da Silva, P Le Callet
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media …, 2023
Paris: Urban Sanitation before the 20th Century: A History of Invisible Infrastructure
F Krupa
Last accessed, 2019
Paris: urban sanitation before the 20th century.“
F Krupa
Mall of America: The New Town Center
F Krupa
Privatization of Public Space, 1993
Liens entre confiance et acceptabilité dans un dispositif IA
A Agossah, L Lévêque, MP da Silva, P Le Callet, F Krupa, G Deconde
33ème Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine …, 2022
Déploiement de l'IA en situation de travail: une trop faible considération des employés?
A Agossah, F Krupa, G Deconde, MP da Silva, P Le Callet
33ème Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine …, 2022
Pragmatic Semiotics In Design Research: La Gaité Lyrique’s Video Game Center
F Krupa
European Academy of Design Conference Proceedings, 2015
InnovART2: À l'écoute des chantiers: An industrial heritage sound-and-augmented-reality walking tour
F Krupa
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media …, 2023
FROG interface de livres numériques inclusifs pour lecteurs dyslexiques.
F Krupa, D Bard, S Hamon
IHM'23-34e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain …, 2023
Data is the New Plastics: Developing Machine Learning UX Design Methods for Artificial Intelligence
F Krupa
Collective Interest Matrix: Can design be sustainable within capitalism?
F Krupa, K Pineau, C Montagne
Cumulus Detroit 2022, 2022
Sémiotique impliquée. L’engagement du chercheur face aux sujets brûlants, Juan ALONSO ALDAMA, Denis BERTRAND, Bernard DARRAS, Flore DI SCIULLO (dir.), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2021 …
S Dufour
Communication & langages, 147-148, 2022
Deployment of AI in the workplace: A lack of consideration for workers’ experiences?
A Agossah, F Krupa, MP Da Silva, G Deconde, P Le Callet
Sciences du Design 16 (2), 68-85, 2022
Déploiement de l’IA en situation de travail: une trop faible considération de l’expérience des employé· es?
A Agossah, F Krupa, MP Da Silva, G Deconde, P Le Callet
Sciences du Design 16 (2), 68-85, 2022
Girl Games: gender, technology and design for women’s recruitment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?
F Krupa
Institut ACTE-UMR 8218, 2018
Published http://www. translucency. com/frede/pps. html
F Krupa
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Articles 1–18