Owen A. Callahan
Owen A. Callahan
En Échelon Geosolutions
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Newberry volcano EGS demonstration–phase I results
TT Cladouhos, WL Osborn, S Petty, D Bour, J Iovenitti, O Callahan, ...
Proceedings of 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford …, 2012
Fracture Mechanical Properties of Damaged and Hydrothermally Altered Rocks, Dixie Valley - Stillwater Fault Zone, Nevada, USA
OA Callahan, P Eichhubl, JE Olson, NC Davatzes
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2019
Basement-rooted faults of the Delaware Basin and Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, West Texas and southeastern New Mexico
EA Horne, PH Hennings, CK Zahm, OA Callahan, P Eichhubl
The geologic basement of Texas: A volume in Honor of Peter T. Flawn 286, 2021
A thermal–hydrological–chemical model for the enhanced geothermal system demonstration project at Newberry Volcano, Oregon
E Sonnenthal, N Spycher, O Callahan, T Cladouhos, S Petty
Proceedings of the 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering …, 2012
Mineral precipitation as a mechanism of fault core growth
OA Callahan, P Eichhubl, NC Davatzes
Journal of Structural Geology, 2020
The role of stress modeling in stimulation planning at the Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration Project
TT Cladouhos, S Petty, O Callahan, W Osborn, S Hickman, N Davatzes
Proceedings: Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering …, 2011
Experimental investigation of chemically aided fracture growth in silicified fault rocks
OA Callahan, P Eichhubl, JE Olson, NC Davatzes
Geothermics 83, 2020
Newberry volcano egs demonstration-phase i results
WL Osborn, S Petty, TT Cladouhos, J Iovenitti, L Nofziger, O Callahan, ...
AltaRock Energy, Inc., Seattle, WA (United States), 2011
Towards developing a calibrated EGS exploration methodology using the Dixie Valley geothermal system, Nevada
J Iovenitti, D Blackwell, J Sainsbury, I Tibuleac, A Waibel, T Cladouhos, ...
Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir …, 2012
The Basin and Range Dixie Valley Geothermal Wellfield, Nevada, USA—A test bed for developing an Enhanced Geothermal System exploration favorability methodology
J Iovenitti, FH Ibser, M Clyne, J Sainsbury, O Callahan
Geothermics, 2016
The geologic basement of Texas: A volume in honor of Peter T. Flawn
EA Horne, PH Hennings, CK Zahm, OA Callahan, P Eichhubl
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of …, 2021
Basement structure of the Delaware basin
EA Horne, PH Hennings, CK Zahm, OA Callahan, P Eichhubl
The Geologic Basement of Texas: A Volume in Honor of Peter Flawn, 2021
EGS Exploration Methodology Development Using the Dixie Valley Geothermal Wellfield as a Calibration Site, a Progress Report
JL Iovenitti, DD Blackwell, J Sainsbury, IM Tibuleac, A Waibel, ...
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 35, 389-396, 2011
System and method for determining the most favorable locations for enhanced geothermal system applications
S Petty, O Callahan, M Clyne, T Cladouhos
US Patent App. 12/791,735, 2010
Geology and hydromechanical properties of the basement-sediment interface, Llano Uplift, Central Texas
OA Callahan, P Eichhubl, JR Kyle
The Geologic Basement of Texas: A Volume in Honor of Peter T. Flawn 286, 2022
Paleothermometry of an enigmatic travertine deposit: Cottonwood Travertine, Stillwater Range, NV
A Jackson, OA Callahan, SR Mat, E Heitmann, A Schauer, C Brigham, ...
Proceedings, 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford …, 2023
Hot spring sinter, acid sulfate alteration, and morphologic variation in fault scarp profiles from the Stillwater Seismic Gap, Dixie Valley, NV
C Brigham, OA Callahan
2022 Geothermal Rising Conference, 2022
Geomorphic evidence for long-lived hydrothermal circulation at Hyder Hot Springs, Nevada
OA Callahan, C Brigham, E Heitmann, E Sullivan, K Huntington, S Loewy, ...
Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, 2021
Interactions between chemical alteration, fracture mechanics, and fluid flow in hydrothermal systems
OA Callahan
The University of Texas at Austin, 2018
The Thermal History of Garland Mineral Springs, North Cascades, Washington, from Apatite Fission Track Analysis of Well Cuttings from Geothermal Exploration Well GAR-1
O Callahan, TT Cladouhos, B Larson, RA Ketcham
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, 2015
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Articles 1–20