Yunhui Tan
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Cited by
Modeling of fiber-optic strain responses to hydraulic fracturing
Z Zhang, Z Fang, J Stefani, J DiSiena, D Bevc, I Lim Chen Ning, K Hughes, ...
Geophysics 85 (6), A45-A50, 2020
Further testing of the bedding-plane-slip model for hydraulic-fracture opening using moment-tensor inversions
Y Tan, T Engelder
Geophysics 81 (5), KS159-KS168, 2016
Geomechanical template for distributed acoustic sensing strain patterns during hydraulic fracturing
Y Tan, S Wang, M Rijken, K Hughes, ILC Ning, Z Zhang, Z Fang
SPE Journal 26 (02), 627-638, 2021
The concept of joint saturation and its application
Y Tan, T Johnston, T Engelder
AAPG Bulletin 98 (11), 2347-2364, 2014
Fiber optic strain monitoring of hydraulic stimulation: Geomechanical modeling and sensitivity analysis
Z Zhang, Z Fang, J Stefani, J DiSiena, D Bevc, ILC Ning, K Hughes, Y Tan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 20–22 July 2020, 1817-1832, 2020
Use of S-wave attenuation from perforation shots to map the growth of the stimulated reservoir volume in the Marcellus gas shale
Y Tan, C Chai, T Engelder
The Leading Edge 33 (10), 1090-1096, 2014
Observations and modeling of fiber optic strain on hydraulic fracture height growth in Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 (HFTS-2)
J Wang, Y Tan, M Rijken, X Liu, A Singh, Y Li
Spe Journal 27 (02), 1109-1122, 2022
Hydraulic fracture characterization by integrating multidisciplinary data from the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 (HFTS-2)
Z Zhang, J DiSiena, D Bevc, ILC Ning, Y Tan, L Swafford, M Craven, ...
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, D011S018R002, 2021
Learnings from the hydraulic fracturing test site (HFTS)# 1, Midland Basin, West Texas—A geomechanics perspective
S Wang, Y Tan, A Sangnimnuan, S Kahn, B Liang, P Rijken
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22-24 July …, 2019
Efficient prediction of proppant placement along a horizontal fracturing stage for perforation design optimization
J Wang, A Singh, X Liu, M Rijken, Y Tan, S Naik
SPE Journal 27 (02), 1094-1108, 2022
Mechanism of Microseismic Generation During Hydraulic Fracturing–With Evidence From HFTS 2 Observations
Y Tan, J Wang, P Rijken, Z Zhang, Z Fang, R Wu, ILC Ning, X Liu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 26–28 July 2021, 1146-1161, 2021
Observations and modeling of fiber-optics strain on hydraulic fracture height growth in HFTS-2
J Wang, Y Tan, P Rijken, X Liu, A Singh, Y Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 26–28 July 2021, 1514-1532, 2021
Modeling of Production Decline Caused by Fines Migration in Deepwater Reservoirs
Y Tan, Y Li, M Rijken, K Zaki, B Wang, R Wu, O Karazincir, W Williams
SPE Journal 25 (01), 391-405, 2020
The correlation between low tectonic stress and the Appalachian Basin Quiet Zone
Y Zhou, S Nikoosokhan, Y Tan, T Johnston, T Engelder
Tectonophysics 745, 95-116, 2018
Measurement of reduced permeability at fracture face due to proppant embedment and depletion
O Karazincir, Y Li, K Zaki, W Williams, Y Tan, R Wu, P Rijken, A Rickards
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D031S028R006, 2018
Interpretation of HFTS 2 microseismic data using bedding-plane-slip mechanism
Y Tan, J Wang, M Rijken, Z Zhang, Z Fang, R Wu, I Lim Chen Ning, X Liu
SPE Journal 27 (03), 1411-1423, 2022
Integrated Economic Solutions to Maximize Productivity and EUR in UCR Multistage Hydraulic Fractured Wells
A Singh, X Liu, S Wang, Y Tan, Y Li, S Naik, P Rijken
International Petroleum Technology Conference, D031S096R003, 2020
Stress inversion using microseismic moment tensors in the vaca muerta shale
Y Tan, S Cuervo, S Malhotra, S Wang
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, D013S001R003, 2019
Geomechanical Template for DAS Fiber Strain Patterns During Hydraulic Fracturing
Y Tan, S Wang, P Rijken, K Hughes, I Lim Chen Ning, Z Zhang, Z Fang
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D031S038R002, 2020
Productivity Decline: The Underlying Geomechanics and Contributing Damage Factors
K Zaki, Y Li, Y Tan, R Wu, P Rijken
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D012S071R001, 2019
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Articles 1–20