John W. Ives
John W. Ives
Professor of Anthropology (Emeritus)
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Cited by
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use
L Stephens, D Fuller, N Boivin, T Rick, N Gauthier, A Kay, B Marwick, ...
Science 365 (6456), 897-902, 2019
Bison phylogeography constrains dispersal and viability of the Ice Free Corridor in western Canada
PD Heintzman, D Froese, JW Ives, AER Soares, GD Zazula, B Letts, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (29), 8057-8063, 2016
Current evidence allows multiple models for the peopling of the Americas
BA Potter, JF Baichtal, AB Beaudoin, L Fehren-Schmitz, CV Haynes, ...
Science Advances 4 (8), eaat5473, 2018
A theory of Northern Athapaskan prehistory
JW Ives
Routledge, 2019
Vectors, vestiges and Valhallas: Rethinking the corridor
JW Ives, D Froese, K Supernant, G Yanicki
Paleoamerican odyssey, 149-169, 2013
Pollen separation of three North American birches
JW Ives
Arctic and Alpine Research 9 (1), 73-80, 1977
Developmental processes in the pre-contact history of Athapaskan, Algonquian and Numic kin systems
JW Ives
Transformations of kinship, 94-139, 1998
Arrival routes of first Americans uncertain
BA Potter, AB Beaudoin, CV Haynes, VT Holliday, CE Holmes, JW Ives, ...
Science 359 (6381), 1224-1225, 2018
Alberta, Athapaskans and Apachean origins
JW Ives
Archaeology in Alberta: A view from the new millennium, 256-289, 2003
13,001 years ago—Human beginnings in Alberta
JW Ives
Alberta formed, Alberta transformed 1, 1-34, 2006
Late side-notched projectile points in the northern plains
TR Peck, JW Ives
Plains Anthropologist 46 (176), 163-193, 2001
The Bezya site: a wedge-shaped core assemblage from northeastern Alberta
RJ Le Blanc, JW Ives
Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal Canadien d'Archéologie, 59-98, 1986
A high resolution chronology for Steward’s Promontory Culture collections, Promontory Point, Utah
JW Ives, DG Froese, JC Janetski, F Brock, CB Ramsey
American Antiquity 79 (4), 616-637, 2014
Dene-Yeniseian, migration and prehistory
JW Ives
The Dene-Yeniseian Connection 5, 324-334, 2010
Resolving the Promontory culture enigma
JW Ives
Archaeology in the Great Basin and Southwest: Papers in Honor of Don D …, 2014
The ten thousand years before the fur trade in northeastern Alberta
JW Ives
The uncovered past: Roots of northern Alberta societies. Circumpolar …, 1993
Confluences: fluted points in the ice-free corridor
JW Ives, G Yanicki, K Supernant, C Lakevold
PaleoAmerica 5 (2), 143-156, 2019
Kinship, demography, and Paleoindian modes of colonization: some western Canadian perspectives
JW Ives
Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and the Americas, 127-156, 2015
Identifying Knife River Flint in Alberta: A Silicified Lignite Toolstone from North Dakota
JWI Kristensen, Todd, Emily Moffat, M. John M. Duke, Andrew J. Locock, Cody ...
Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper, 1-24, 2018
Radiocarbon and protein analyses indicate an early Holocene age for the osseous rod from Grenfell, Saskatchewan, Canada
JW Ives, D Froese, M Collins, F Brock
American Antiquity 79 (4), 782-793, 2014
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