Nathan Harshman
Nathan Harshman
Professor of Physics, American University
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Testing the test: Item response curves and test quality
GA Morris, L Branum-Martin, N Harshman, SD Baker, E Mazur, S Dutta, ...
American Journal of Physics 74 (5), 449-453, 2006
An item response curves analysis of the Force Concept Inventory
GA Morris, N Harshman, L Branum-Martin, E Mazur, T Mzoughi, SD Baker
American Journal of Physics 80 (9), 825-831, 2012
Inertial and gravitational mass in quantum mechanics
E Kajari, NL Harshman, EM Rasel, S Stenholm, G Süssmann, ...
Applied Physics B 100, 43-60, 2010
Symmetries of three harmonically trapped particles in one dimension
NL Harshman
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (5), 052122, 2012
On the mass and width of the Z-boson and other relativistic quasistable particles
AR Bohm, NL Harshman
Nuclear Physics B 581 (1-2), 91-115, 2000
Observables can be tailored to change the entanglement of any pure state
NL Harshman, KS Ranade
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (1), 012303, 2011
Galilean and Dynamical Invariance of Entanglement in Particle Scattering
NL Harshman, S Wickramasekara
Physical Review Letters 98 (8), 80406, 2007
One-dimensional traps, two-body interactions, few-body symmetries: I. One, two, and three particles
NL Harshman
Few-Body Systems 57 (1), 11-43, 2016
Tensor product structures, entanglement, and particle scattering
NL Harshman, S Wickramasekara
Open Systems and Information Dynamics 14 (3), 341-351, 2007
Integrable families of hard-core particles with unequal masses in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
NL Harshman, M Olshanii, AS Dehkharghani, AG Volosniev, SG Jackson, ...
Physical Review X 7 (4), 041001, 2017
Spectroscopy for a few atoms harmonically trapped in one dimension
NL Harshman
Physical Review A 89 (3), 033633, 2014
Quantum theory in the rigged Hilbert space—irreversibility from causality
A Bohm, NL Harshman
Irreversibility and Causality Semigroups and Rigged Hilbert Spaces: A …, 1998
Anyons from three-body hard-core interactions in one dimension
NL Harshman, AC Knapp
Annals of Physics 412, 168003, 2020
Relating the Lorentzian and exponential: Fermi’s approximation, the Fourier transform, and causality
A Bohm, NL Harshman, H Walther
Physical Review A 66 (1), 012107, 2002
Basis states for relativistic dynamically entangled particles
NL Harshman
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (2), 022312, 2005
Entanglement mechanisms in one-dimensional potential scattering
NL Harshman, P Singh
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (15), 155304, 2008
Probing the edge between integrability and quantum chaos in interacting few-atom systems
T Fogarty, MÁ García-March, LF Santos, NL Harshman
Quantum 5, 486, 2021
Entanglement in massive coupled oscillators
NL Harshman, WF Flynn
Quantum Information and Computation 11, 278-299, 2009
Entanglement generation in the scattering of one-dimensional particles
NL Harshman, G Hutton
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (4), 042310, 2008
Infinite barriers and symmetries for a few trapped particles in one dimension
NL Harshman
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053616, 2017
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Articles 1–20