Eric V. Strobl
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Cited by
Approximate Kernel-based Conditional Independence Tests for Fast Non-Parametric Causal Discovery
EV Strobl, K Zhang, S Visweswaran
Journal of Causal Inference 7 (1), 2018
Deep multiple kernel learning
EV Strobl, S Visweswaran
2013 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 1 …, 2013
Impaired recognition and regulation of disgust is associated with distinct but partially overlapping patterns of decreased gray matter volume in the ventroanterior insula
JD Woolley, EV Strobl, VE Sturm, T Shany-Ur, P Poorzand, S Grossman, ...
Biological psychiatry 78 (7), 505-514, 2015
Fast causal inference with non-random missingness by test-wise deletion
EV Strobl, S Visweswaran, PL Spirtes
International journal of data science and analytics 6, 47-62, 2018
A Constraint-Based Algorithm For Causal Discovery with Cycles, Latent Variables and Selection Bias
EV Strobl
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 1-24, 2018
Identifying Patient-Specific Root Causes with the Heteroscedastic Noise Model
EV Strobl, TA Lasko
Journal of Computational Science 72, 2022
Predicting the risk of psychosis onset: advances and prospects
EV Strobl, SM Eack, V Swaminathan, S Visweswaran
Early intervention in psychiatry 6 (4), 368-379, 2012
BDNF serum concentrations show no relationship with diagnostic group or medication status in neurodegenerative disease
J D Woolley, E V Strobl, W B Shelly, A M Karydas, R N Robin Ketelle, ...
Current Alzheimer Research 9 (7), 815-821, 2012
Improved Causal Discovery from Longitudinal Data Using a Mixture of DAGs
EV Strobl
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 104, 100-133, 2019
Estimating and controlling the false discovery rate of the pc algorithm using edge-specific p-values
EV Strobl, PL Spirtes, S Visweswaran
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 10 (5), 1-37, 2019
Identifying Patient-Specific Root Causes of Disease
EV Strobl, TA Lasko
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational …, 2022
Causal Discovery with a Mixture of DAGs
EV Strobl
Machine Learning, 2022
Estimating and controlling the false discovery rate for the PC algorithm using edge-specific p-values
EV Strobl, PL Spirtes, S Visweswaran
accepted to ACM TIST, 2016
Sample-Specific Root Causal Inference with Latent Variables
EV Strobl, TA Lasko
Causal Learning and Reasoning, 2023
Markov Blanket Ranking using Kernel-based Conditional Dependence Measures
EV Strobl, S Visweswaran
Cause Effect Pairs in Machine Learning, 2019
Markov boundary discovery with ridge regularized linear models
EV Strobl, S Visweswaran
Journal of Causal inference 4 (1), 31-48, 2016
Counterfactual Formulation of Patient-Specific Root Causes of Disease
EV Strobl
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2024
Automated Hyperparameter Selection for the PC Algorithm
EV Strobl
Pattern Recognition Letters 151, 288-293, 2021
Dirac Delta Regression: Conditional Density Estimation with Clinical Trials
EV Strobl, S Visweswaran
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 150, 78-125, 2021
Causal Discovery Under Non-Stationary Feedback
EV Strobl
University of Pittsburgh, 2017
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Articles 1–20