Michael Cortez
Michael Cortez
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Cited by
Understanding rapid evolution in predator-prey interactions using the theory of fast-slow dynamical systems
MH Cortez, SP Ellner
The American Naturalist 176 (5), E109-E127, 2010
Coevolution can reverse predator–prey cycles
MH Cortez, JS Weitz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), 7486-7491, 2014
Mechanisms of multi-strain coexistence in host–phage systems with nested infection networks
LF Jover, MH Cortez, JS Weitz
Journal of theoretical biology 332, 65-77, 2013
Viral invasion fitness across a continuum from lysis to latency
JS Weitz, G Li, H Gulbudak, MH Cortez, RJ Whitaker
Virus evolution 5 (1), vez006, 2019
Comparing the qualitatively different effects rapidly evolving and rapidly induced defences have on predator–prey interactions
MH Cortez
Ecology Letters 14 (2), 202-209, 2011
How the magnitude of prey genetic variation alters predator-prey eco-evolutionary dynamics
MH Cortez
The American Naturalist 188 (3), 329-341, 2016
Hydra effects in stable communities and their implications for system dynamics
MH Cortez, PA Abrams
Ecology 97 (5), 1135-1145, 2016
Distinguishing between indirect and direct modes of transmission using epidemiological time series
MH Cortez, JS Weitz
The American Naturalist 181 (2), E43-E52, 2013
Population density, not host competence, drives patterns of disease in an invaded community
CL Searle, MH Cortez, KK Hunsberger, DC Grippi, IA Oleksy, CL Shaw, ...
The American Naturalist 188 (5), 554-566, 2016
When to be temperate: on the fitness benefits of lysis vs. lysogeny
G Li, MH Cortez, J Dushoff, JS Weitz
Virus Evolution 6 (2), veaa042, 2020
Priority effects within coinfected hosts can drive unexpected population‐scale patterns of parasite prevalence
PA Clay, MH Cortez, MA Duffy, VHW Rudolf
Oikos 128 (4), 571-583, 2019
The virus of my virus is my friend: Ecological effects of virophage with alternative modes of coinfection
BP Taylor, MH Cortez, JS Weitz
Journal of Theoretical Biology 354, 124-136, 2014
Genetic variation determines which feedbacks drive and alter predator–prey eco‐evolutionary cycles
MH Cortez
Ecological Monographs 88 (3), 353-371, 2018
Partitioning the effects of eco-evolutionary feedbacks on community stability
S Patel, MH Cortez, SJ Schreiber
The American Naturalist 191 (3), 381-394, 2018
The effects of predator evolution and genetic variation on predator–prey population-level dynamics
MH Cortez, S Patel
Bulletin of mathematical biology 79, 1510-1538, 2017
The many potential indirect interactions between predators that share competing prey
PA Abrams, MH Cortez
Ecological Monographs 85 (4), 625-641, 2015
Matching the forecast horizon with the relevant spatial and temporal processes and data sources
PB Adler, EP White, MH Cortez
Ecography 43 (11), 1729-1739, 2020
Factors contributing to the accuracy of harmonic force field calculations for water
MH Cortez, NR Brinkmann, WF Polik, PR Taylor, YJ Bomble, JF Stanton
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 3 (4), 1267-1274, 2007
The context-dependent effects of host competence, competition, and pathogen transmission mode on disease prevalence
MH Cortez, MA Duffy
The American Naturalist 198 (2), 179-194, 2021
Is competition needed for ecological character displacement? Does displacement decrease competition?
PA Abrams, MH Cortez
Evolution 69 (12), 3039-3053, 2015
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Articles 1–20