Rudy Loock
Rudy Loock
Professeur des Universités, Université de Lille-SHS et UMR 8163 "Savoirs, Textes, Langage" du CNRS
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Cited by
La traductologie de corpus
R Loock
Presses Univ. Septentrion, 2016
Appositive relative clauses and their functions in discourse
R Loock
Journal of pragmatics 39 (2), 336-362, 2007
Appositive relative clauses in English
R Loock
Appositive Relative Clauses in English, 1-248, 2010
Is there interference of usage constraints?: A frequency study of existential there is and its French equivalent il ya in translated vs. non-translated texts
B Cappelle, R Loock
Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 25 (2), 252-275, 2013
No more rage against the machine: how the corpus-based identification of machine-translationese can lead to student empowerment
R Loock
The Journal of specialised translation (JoSTrans) 34, 150-170, 2020
Towards a corpus-based, statistical approach to translation quality: Measuring and visualizing linguistic deviance in student translations
G De Sutter, B Cappelle, O De Clercq, R Loock, K Plevoets
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in Translation Studies 16, 2017
Machine translation literacy and undergraduate students in applied languages: report on an exploratory study
R Loock, S Léchauguette
Tradumàtica, 0204-225, 2021
Typological differences shining through: The case of phrasal verbs in translated English
B Cappelle, R Loock
Empirical Translation Studies: New theoretical and methodological traditions …, 2017
La plus-value de la biotraduction face à la machine. Le nouveau défi des formations aux métiers de la traduction
R Loock
Traduire. Revue française de la traduction, 54-65, 2019
L’utilisation des corpus électroniques chez le traducteur professionnel : quand ? comment ? pour quoi faire ?
R Loock
ILCEA, 2016
Traduction automatique et usage linguistique: une analyse de traductions anglais-français réunies en corpus
R Loock
Meta 63 (3), 786-806, 2018
Empowering translators through entrepreneurship in simulated translation bureaus
GW Van Egdom, K Konttinen, S Vandepitte, M Fernández-Parra, R Loock, ...
Hermes-Journal of Language and Communication in Business 60, 81-95, 2020
Les Fonctions des propositions subordonnées relatives “appositives” en discours
R Loock
Anglophonia/Caliban-French Journal of English Linguistics, 113-131, 2003
Are you a good which or a bad which?
R Loock
Connectives as Discourse Landmarks, 2007
Traductologie de corpus et qualité: étude de cas
R Loock, M Mariaule, C Oster
Proceedings of the Tralogy II Conference. Retrieved October 7, 2014, 2014
The discourse functions of nonverbal appositives
R Loock, KM O’Connor
Journal of English Linguistics 41 (4), 332-358, 2013
Komen traduir l’inovassion ortografik: étude de ca
R Loock
Palimpsestes. Revue de traduction, 39-65, 2012
Uncovering machine translationese using corpus analysis techniques to distinguish between original and machine-translated French
O De Clercq, G De Sutter, R Loock, B Cappelle, K Plevoets
Translation Quarterly, 21-45, 2021
Close encounters of the third code: Quantitative vs. Qualitative analyses in corpus-based translation studies
R Loock
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 27 (1), 61-86, 2013
La traductologie de corpus: étude de cas et enjeux
R Loock
Nadia d'Amelio (sous la direction de), Au cœur de la démarche traductive …, 2011
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Articles 1–20