Hui Li
Hui Li
Other namesLi, Hui, 李辉, H Li
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The use of reflective and permeable pavements as a potential practice for heat island mitigation and stormwater management
H Li, JT Harvey, TJ Holland, M Kayhanian
Environmental Research Letters 8 (1), 015023, 2013
Field measurement of albedo for different land cover materials and effects on thermal performance
H Li, J Harvey, A Kendall
Building and Environment 59, 536-546, 2013
Comparative field permeability measurement of permeable pavements using ASTM C1701 and NCAT permeameter methods
H Li, M Kayhanian, JT Harvey
Journal of environmental management 118, 144-152, 2013
Performance enhancement of porous asphalt pavement using red mud as alternative filler
H Zhang, H Li, Y Zhang, D Wang, J Harvey, H Wang
Construction and Building Materials 160, 707-713, 2018
Laboratorial investigation on optical and thermal properties of cool pavement nano-coatings for urban heat island mitigation
N Xie, H Li, A Abdelhady, J Harvey
Building and Environment 147, 231-240, 2019
Investigation on the mechanical properties and environmental impacts of pervious concrete containing fly ash based on the cement-aggregate ratio
H Wang, H Li, X Liang, H Zhou, N Xie, Z Dai
Construction and Building Materials 202, 387-395, 2019
Experimental study on the polyurethane-bound pervious mixtures in the application of permeable pavements
G Lu, L Renken, T Li, D Wang, H Li, M Oeser
Construction and Building Materials 202, 838-850, 2019
Experimental investigation on evaporation rate for enhancing evaporative cooling effect of permeable pavement materials
H Li, J Harvey, Z Ge
Construction and Building Materials 65, 367-375, 2014
Application of permeable pavements in highways for stormwater runoff management and pollution prevention: California research experiences
M Kayhanian, H Li, JT Harvey, X Liang
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 8 (4), 358-372, 2019
Evaluation of Cool Pavement Strategies for Heat Island Mitigation
H Li
University of California, Davis, 2012
Experimental investigation on the effect of pore characteristics on clogging risk of pervious concrete based on CT scanning
H Zhou, H Li, A Abdelhady, X Liang, H Wang, B Yang
Construction and Building Materials 212, 130-139, 2019
Removal effect on stormwater runoff pollution of porous concrete treated with nanometer titanium dioxide
X Liang, S Cui, H Li, A Abdelhady, H Wang, H Zhou
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 73, 34-45, 2019
Effects of specimen shape and size on the permeability and mechanical properties of porous concrete
Y Zhang, H Li, A Abdelhady, J Yang, H Wang
Construction and Building Materials 266, 121074, 2021
Cooling Effect of Permeable Asphalt Pavement Under Dry and Wet Conditions
H Li, J Harvey, D Jones
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2013
Comparative laboratory measurement of pervious concrete permeability using constant-head and falling-head permeameter methods
Y Zhang, H Li, A Abdelhady, J Yang
Construction and Building Materials 263, 120614, 2020
Optical and durability performance of near-infrared reflective coatings for cool pavement: Laboratorial investigation
N Xie, H Li, W Zhao, C Zhang, B Yang, H Zhang, Y Zhang
Building and Environment 163, 106334, 2019
Energy and environmental consequences of a cool pavement campaign
HE Gilbert, PJ Rosado, G Ban-Weiss, JT Harvey, H Li, BH Mandel, ...
Energy and Buildings 157, 53-77, 2017
Life cycle carbon emissions from road infrastructure in China: A region-level analysis
Y Han, H Li, J Liu, N Xie, M Jia, Y Sun, S Wang
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 115, 103581, 2023
In-situ resources for infrastructure construction on Mars: A review
J Liu, H Li, L Sun, Z Guo, J Harvey, Q Tang, H Lu, M Jia
International journal of transportation science and technology 11 (1), 1-16, 2022
Investigation of Ce-TiO2 photocatalyst and its application in asphalt- based specimens for NO degradation
X Cao, X Yang, H Li, W Huang, X Liu
Construction and Building Materials 148, 824-832, 2017
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Articles 1–20