Dan Shugar
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Cited by
A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya
DH Shugar, M Jacquemart, D Shean, S Bhushan, K Upadhyay, A Sattar, ...
Science 373 (6552), 300-306, 2021
Geomorphic and geologic controls of geohazards induced by Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake
JS Kargel, GJ Leonard, DH Shugar, UK Haritashya, A Bevington, ...
Science 351 (6269), aac8353, 2016
Rapid worldwide growth of glacial lakes since 1990
DH Shugar, A Burr, UK Haritashya, JK Kargel, CS Watson, MC Kennedy, ...
Nature Climate Change, 2020
Climate change and the global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods
S Harrison, JS Kargel, C Huggel, J Reynolds, DH Shugar, RA Betts, ...
The Cryosphere 12, 1195-1209, 2018
River piracy and drainage basin reorganization led by climate-driven glacier retreat
DH Shugar, JJ Clague, JL Best, C Schoof, MJ Willis, L Copland, GH Roe
Nature Geoscience 10 (5), 370-375, 2017
Post-glacial sea-level change along the Pacific coast of North America
DH Shugar, IJ Walker, OB Lian, JBR Eamer, C Neudorf, D McLaren, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 97, 170-192, 2014
The 2015 landslide and tsunami in Taan Fiord, Alaska
B Higman, DH Shugar, CP Stark, G Ekström, MN Koppes, P Lynett, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12993, 2018
High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven landscape instability
D Li, X Lu, DE Walling, T Zhang, JF Steiner, RJ Wasson, S Harrison, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (7), 520-530, 2022
The sedimentology and geomorphology of rock avalanche deposits on glaciers
DH Shugar, JJ Clague
Sedimentology 58 (7), 1762-1783, 2011
A rockfall-induced glacial lake outburst flood, Upper Barun Valley, Nepal
AC Byers, DR Rounce, DH Shugar, JM Lala, EA Byers, D Regmi
Landslides 16, 533-549, 2019
Evolution and controls of large glacial lakes in the Nepal Himalaya
UK Haritashya, JS Kargel, DH Shugar, GJ Leonard, K Strattman, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (5), 798, 2018
On the relationship between flow and suspended sediment transport over the crest of a sand dune, Río Paraná, Argentina
DH Shugar, RAY Kostaschuk, JL Best, DR Parsons, SN Lane, O Orfeo, ...
Sedimentology 57 (1), 252-272, 2010
A post-glacial sea level hinge on the central Pacific coast of Canada
D McLaren, D Fedje, MB Hay, Q Mackie, IJ Walker, DH Shugar, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 97, 148-169, 2014
The state of remote sensing capabilities of cascading hazards over High Mountain Asia
D Kirschbaum, CS Watson, DR Rounce, DH Shugar, JS Kargel, ...
Frontiers in Earth science 7, 197, 2019
Mass loss from calving in Himalayan proglacial lakes
CS Watson, JS Kargel, DH Shugar, UK Haritashya, E Schiassi, R Furfaro
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 342, 2020
Rock avalanches onto glaciers
P Deline, K Hewitt, D Shugar, N Reznichenko
Landslide hazards, risks, and disasters, 269-333, 2022
Suspended sediment transport and deposition over a dune: Río Paraná, Argentina
R Kostaschuk, D Shugar, J Best, D Parsons, S Lane, R Hardy, O Orfeo
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (12), 1605-1611, 2009
Sedimentology and geomorphology of a large tsunamigenic landslide, Taan Fiord, Alaska
A Dufresne, M Geertsema, DH Shugar, M Koppes, B Higman, ...
Sedimentary Geology 364, 302-318, 2018
Secondary flow deflection in the lee of transverse dunes with implications for dune morphodynamics and migration
IJ Walker, DH Shugar
Earth surface processes and landforms 38 (14), 1642-1654, 2013
Modeling lake outburst and downstream hazard assessment of the Lower Barun Glacial Lake, Nepal Himalaya
A Sattar, UK Haritashya, JS Kargel, GJ Leonard, DH Shugar, DV Chase
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126208, 2021
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Articles 1–20