Sebastian Michelmann
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Cited by
Directional coupling of slow and fast hippocampal gamma with neocortical alpha/beta oscillations in human episodic memory
BJ Griffiths, G Parish, F Roux, S Michelmann, M van der Plas, LD Kolibius, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (43), 21834-21842, 2019
Hippocampal pattern completion is linked to gamma power increases and alpha power decreases during recollection
BP Staresina, S Michelmann, M Bonnefond, O Jensen, N Axmacher, J Fell
Elife 5, e17397, 2016
The temporal signature of memories: identification of a general mechanism for dynamic memory replay in humans
S Michelmann, H Bowman, S Hanslmayr
PLoS biology 14 (8), e1002528, 2016
Speed of time-compressed forward replay flexibly changes in human episodic memory
S Michelmann, BP Staresina, H Bowman, S Hanslmayr
Nature Human Behaviour 3 (2), 143, 2019
The hippocampus as the switchboard between perception and memory
MS Treder, I Charest, S Michelmann, MC Martín-Buro, F Roux, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (50), e2114171118, 2021
Data-driven re-referencing of intracranial EEG based on independent component analysis (ICA)
S Michelmann, MS Treder, B Griffiths, C Kerrén, F Roux, M Wimber, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 307, 125-137, 2018
Pattern separation and pattern completion: Behaviorally separable processes?
CT Ngo, S Michelmann, IR Olson, NS Newcombe
Memory & Cognition, 1-13, 2020
Moment-by-moment tracking of naturalistic learning and its underlying hippocampo-cortical interactions
S Michelmann, AR Price, B Aubrey, CK Strauss, WK Doyle, D Friedman, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-15, 2021
Evidence That Event Boundaries Are Access Points for Memory Retrieval
S Michelmann, U Hasson, KA Norman
Psychological Science, 09567976221128206, 2023
Replay of Stimulus-specific Temporal Patterns during Associative Memory Formation
S Michelmann, H Bowman, S Hanslmayr
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30 (11), 1577-1589, 2018
Bayesian surprise predicts human event segmentation in story listening
M Kumar, A Goldstein, S Michelmann, JM Zacks, U Hasson, KA Norman
Cognitive Science 47 (10), e13343, 2023
Learning processes underlying avoidance of negative outcomes
M Andreatta, S Michelmann, P Pauli, J Hewig
Psychophysiology 54 (4), 578-590, 2017
A shared model-based linguistic space for transmitting our thoughts from brain to brain in natural conversations
Z Zada, A Goldstein, S Michelmann, E Simony, A Price, L Hasenfratz, ...
Neuron 112 (18), 3211-3222. e5, 2024
Large language models can segment narrative events similarly to humans
S Michelmann, M Kumar, KA Norman, M Toneva
Behavior Research Methods 57 (1), 1-13, 2025
Test-retest reliability of the human connectome: An OPM-MEG study
L Rier, S Michelmann, H Ritz, V Shah, RM Hill, J Osborne, C Doyle, ...
Imaging Neuroscience 1, 1-20, 2023
RT-Cloud: a cloud-based software framework to simplify and standardize real-time fMRI
G Wallace, S Polcyn, PP Brooks, AC Mennen, K Zhao, PS Scotti, ...
NeuroImage 257, 119295, 2022
EEG and fMRI evidence for autobiographical memory reactivation in empathy
F Meconi, J Linde‐Domingo, C S. Ferreira, S Michelmann, B Staresina, ...
Human Brain Mapping 42 (14), 4448-4464, 2021
The role of alpha and beta oscillations in the human EEG during perception and memory processes
S Michelmann, B Griffiths, S Hanslmayr
The Oxford handbook of EEG frequency, 202-219, 2022
The Sync-Fire/deSync model: Modelling the reactivation of dynamic memories from cortical alpha oscillations
G Parish, S Michelmann, S Hanslmayr, H Bowman
Neuropsychologia 158, 107867, 2021
Classification of P300 component using a riemannian ensemble approach
D Krzemiński, S Michelmann, M Treder, L Santamaria
XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and …, 2020
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Articles 1–20