E.B. Watson
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Zircon saturation revisited: temperature and composition effects in a variety of crustal magma types
EB Watson, TM Harrison
earth and planetary science letters 64 (2), 295-304, 1983
Dehydration melting of metabasalt at 8–32 kbar: implications for continental growth and crust-mantle recycling
RP Rapp, EB Watson
Journal of petrology 36 (4), 891-931, 1995
New thermodynamic models and revised calibrations for the Ti-in-zircon and Zr-in-rutile thermometers
JM Ferry, EB Watson
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 154 (4), 429-437, 2007
Crystallization thermometers for zircon and rutile
EB Watson, DA Wark, JB Thomas
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 151 (4), 413-433, 2006
Partial melting of amphibolite/eclogite and the origin of Archean trondhjemites and tonalites
RP Rapp, EB Watson, CF Miller
Precambrian Research 51 (1-4), 1-25, 1991
Pb diffusion in zircon
DJ Cherniak, EB Watson
Chemical Geology 172 (1-2), 5-24, 2001
Zircon thermometer reveals minimum melting conditions on earliest Earth
EB Watson, TM Harrison
Science 308 (5723), 841-844, 2005
Zircon saturation re-revisited
P Boehnke, EB Watson, D Trail, TM Harrison, AK Schmitt
Chemical Geology 351, 324-334, 2013
The behavior of apatite during crustal anatexis: equilibrium and kinetic considerations
TM Harrison, EB Watson
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 48 (7), 1467-1477, 1984
TitaniQ: a titanium-in-quartz geothermometer
DA Wark, EB Watson
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 152 (6), 743-754, 2006
Rutile saturation in magmas: implications for TiNbTa depletion in island-arc basalts
FJ Ryerson, EB Watson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 86 (2-4), 225-239, 1987
Pb diffusion in monazite: a combined RBS/SIMS study
DJ Cherniak, EB Watson, M Grove, TM Harrison
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (4), 829-840, 2004
Ce and Eu anomalies in zircon as proxies for the oxidation state of magmas
D Trail, EB Watson, ND Tailby
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 97, 70-87, 2012
Zircon saturation in felsic liquids: experimental results and applications to trace element geochemistry
EB Watson
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 70, 407-419, 1979
Fluids in the lithosphere, 1. Experimentally-determined wetting characteristics of CO2H2O fluids and their implications for fluid transport, host-rock physical properties, and …
EB Watson, JM Brenan
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 85 (4), 497-515, 1987
Diffusion in zircon
DJ Cherniak, EB Watson
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry 53 (1), 113-143, 2003
Zircon saturation thermometry
JM Hanchar, EB Watson
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry 53 (1), 89-112, 2003
The oxidation state of Hadean magmas and implications for early Earth’s atmosphere
D Trail, EB Watson, ND Tailby
Nature 480 (7375), 79-82, 2011
Two-liquid partition coefficients: experimental data and geochemical implications
EB Watson
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 56 (1), 119-134, 1976
Apatite/liquid partition coefficients for the rare earth elements and strontium
EB Watson, TH Green
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 56, 405-421, 1981
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Articles 1–20