Grégoire Détrez
Cited by
Cited by
Smart paradigms and the predictability and complexity of inflectional morphology
G Détrez, A Ranta
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2012
Controlled language for everyday use: the molto phrasebook
A Ranta, R Enache, G Détrez
Controlled Natural Language: Second International Workshop, CNL 2010 …, 2012
Grammar tool manual and best practices
A Ranta, J Camilleri, G Détrez, R Enache, T Hallgren
Technical report, MOLTO Deliverable, 2012
Sharing resources between free/open-source rule-based machine translation systems: Grammatical Framework and Apertium.
G Détrez, VM Sánchez-Cartagena, A Ranta
LREC, 4394-4400, 2014
Grammar Tools and Best Practices
T Hallgren, A Ranta, J Camilleri, G Détrez, R Enache
Methods and tools for automating language engineering
G Détrez
High-Quality Translation: MOLTO Tools and Applications
O Caprotti, A Ranta, K Angelov, R Enache, J Camilleri, D Dannélls, ...
SLTC 2012, 15, 2012
Controlled Language for Everyday Use: the MOLTO Phrasebook
A Ranta, R Enache, G Détrez
Controlled Natural Languages Workshop (CNL 2010), 2011
A framework for multilingual applications on the android platform
G Détrez, R Enache
SLTC 2010, 37, 2010
Smart Paradigms for Lexicon Construction
G Détrez
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of …, 2014
GF Eclipse Plugin—A quick overview
J Camilleri, T Hallgren, A Ranta, G Détrez, R Enache
Third International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine …, 2013
Contract No. FP7-ICT247914 Project full title MOLTO-Multilingual Online Translation Deliverable D2. 3 Grammar Tool Manual and Best Practices Distribution level Public …
A Ranta, J Camilleri, G Détrez, R Enache, T Hallgren, A Ranta, T Hallgren
Rapport de projet Analyseur syntaxique de surface
R Loth, G Détrez
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Articles 1–13