Human factors methods: a practical guide for engineering and design N Stanton Ashgate Publishing, 2005 | 1745* | 2005 |
A review of sociotechnical systems theory: a classic concept for new command and control paradigms GH Walker, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 9 (6), 479-499, 2008 | 522 | 2008 |
Measuring Situation Awareness in complex systems: Comparison of measures study PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, D Jenkins, D Ladva, L Rafferty, ... International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39 (3), 490-500, 2009 | 500 | 2009 |
What really is going on? Review of situation awareness models for individuals and teams PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, C Baber, DP Jenkins, R McMaster, ... Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 9 (4), 297-323, 2008 | 497 | 2008 |
Distributed situation awareness: Theory, measurement and application to teamwork PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker Ashgate Publishing, 2009 | 371* | 2009 |
Distributed situation awareness PM Salmon, A Neville Theory, Measurement and Application to Teamwork. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009 | 371* | 2009 |
Cognitive work analysis: coping with complexity DP Jenkins, PM Salmon Ashgate Pub Co, 2009 | 284* | 2009 |
Is situation awareness all in the mind? NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, DP Jenkins Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11 (1-2), 29-40, 2010 | 223 | 2010 |
Micro wind turbines in the UK domestic sector AD Peacock, D Jenkins, M Ahadzi, A Berry, S Turan Energy and buildings 40 (7), 1324-1333, 2008 | 223 | 2008 |
Coordination during multi‐agency emergency response: issues and solutions P Salmon, N Stanton, D Jenkins, G Walker Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 20 (2), 140-158, 2011 | 215 | 2011 |
‘Remixing Rasmussen’: the evolution of Accimaps within systemic accident analysis P Waterson, DP Jenkins, PM Salmon, P Underwood Applied ergonomics 59, 483-503, 2017 | 166 | 2017 |
Investigating the potential of overheating in UK dwellings as a consequence of extant climate change AD Peacock, DP Jenkins, D Kane Energy policy 38 (7), 3277-3288, 2010 | 162 | 2010 |
Conflicts of interest: the implications of roadside advertising for driver attention MS Young, JM Mahfoud, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins, GH Walker Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 12 (5), 381-388, 2009 | 157 | 2009 |
Does advanced driver training improve situational awareness? GH Walker, NA Stanton, TA Kazi, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins Applied Ergonomics 40 (4), 678-687, 2009 | 148 | 2009 |
Representing situation awareness in collaborative systems: A case study in the energy distribution domain PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, D Jenkins, C Baber, R McMaster Ergonomics 51 (3), 367-384, 2008 | 145 | 2008 |
Genotype and phenotype schemata and their role in distributed situation awareness in collaborative systems NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, D Jenkins Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 10 (1), 43-68, 2009 | 144 | 2009 |
Translating concepts of complexity to the field of ergonomics GH Walker, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins, L Rafferty Ergonomics 53 (10), 1175-1186, 2010 | 143 | 2010 |
Using cognitive work analysis to explore activity allocation within military domains DP Jenkins, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, MS Young Ergonomics 51 (6), 798-815, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
Young. MS (2008). Using cognitive work analysis to explore activity allocation within military domains DP Jenkins, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker Ergonomics 51 (6), 798-815, 0 | 143* | |
From ethnography to the EAST method: A tractable approach for representing distributed cognition in Air Traffic Control GH Walker, NA Stanton, C Baber, L Wells, H Gibson, P Salmon, D Jenkins Ergonomics 53 (2), 184-197, 2010 | 141 | 2010 |