Alice Meunier
Alice Meunier
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Coupling between hydrodynamic forces and planar cell polarity orients mammalian motile cilia
B Guirao, A Meunier, S Mortaud, A Aguilar, JM Corsi, L Strehl, Y Hirota, ...
Nature cell biology 12 (4), 341-350, 2010
The development and functions of multiciliated epithelia
N Spassky, A Meunier
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 18 (7), 423-436, 2017
The ciliary pocket: an endocytic membrane domain at the base of primary and motile cilia
A Molla-Herman, R Ghossoub, T Blisnick, A Meunier, C Serres, ...
Journal of cell science 123 (10), 1785-1795, 2010
Centriole amplification by mother and daughter centrioles differs in multiciliated cells
A Al Jord, AI Lemaître, N Delgehyr, M Faucourt, N Spassky, A Meunier
Nature 516 (7529), 104-107, 2014
Lentiviral-mediated targeted NF-κB blockade in dorsal spinal cord glia attenuates sciatic nerve injury–induced neuropathic pain in the rat
A Meunier, A Latrémolière, E Dominguez, A Mauborgne, S Philippe, ...
Molecular Therapy 15 (4), 687-697, 2007
Adult neural stem cells and multiciliated ependymal cells share a common lineage regulated by the geminin family members
G Ortiz-Álvarez, M Daclin, A Shihavuddin, P Lansade, A Fortoul, ...
Neuron 102 (1), 159-172. e7, 2019
Planar polarity of multiciliated ependymal cells involves the anterior migration of basal bodies regulated by non-muscle myosin II
Y Hirota, A Meunier, S Huang, T Shimozawa, O Yamada, YS Kida, ...
Development 137 (18), 3037-3046, 2010
Multiciliated cells in animals
A Meunier, J Azimzadeh
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 8 (12), a028233, 2016
Attenuation of pain-related behavior in a rat model of trigeminal neuropathic pain by viral-driven enkephalin overproduction in trigeminal ganglion neurons
A Meunier, A Latrémolière, A Mauborgne, S Bourgoin, V Kayser, ...
Molecular Therapy 11 (4), 608-616, 2005
Ependymal cell differentiation, from monociliated to multiciliated cells
N Delgehyr, A Meunier, M Faucourt, MB Grau, L Strehl, C Janke, ...
Methods in cell biology 127, 19-35, 2015
Analysis of human samples reveals impaired SHH-dependent cerebellar development in Joubert syndrome/Meckel syndrome
A Aguilar, A Meunier, L Strehl, J Martinovic, M Bonniere, T Attie-Bitach, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (42), 16951-16956, 2012
Ependymal cilia beating induces an actin network to protect centrioles against shear stress
A Mahuzier, A Shihavuddin, C Fournier, P Lansade, M Faucourt, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2279, 2018
Calibrated mitotic oscillator drives motile ciliogenesis
A Al Jord, A Shihavuddin, R Servignat d’Aout, M Faucourt, A Genovesio, ...
Science 358 (6364), 803-806, 2017
Massive centriole production can occur in the absence of deuterosomes in multiciliated cells
O Mercey, MS Levine, GM LoMastro, P Rostaing, E Brotslaw, V Gomez, ...
Nature cell biology 21 (12), 1544-1552, 2019
Lentiviral-mediated targeted transgene expression in dorsal spinal cord glia: tool for the study of glial cell implication in mechanisms underlying chronic pain development
A Meunier, A Mauborgne, J Masson, J Mallet, M Pohl
Journal of neuroscience methods 167 (2), 148-159, 2008
Dynamics of centriole amplification in centrosome-depleted brain multiciliated progenitors
O Mercey, A Al Jord, P Rostaing, A Mahuzier, A Fortoul, AR Boudjema, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 13060, 2019
Gene therapy of chronic pain
M Pohl, A Meunier, M Hamon, J Braz
Current gene therapy 3 (3), 223-238, 2003
Super-resolution microscopy and FIB-SEM imaging reveal parental centriole-derived, hybrid cilium in mammalian multiciliated cells
Z Liu, QPH Nguyen, R Nanjundappa, N Delgehyr, A Megherbi, R Doherty, ...
Developmental cell 55 (2), 224-236. e6, 2020
Lentiviral vectors for gene transfer into the spinal cord glial cells
A Meunier, M Pohl
Gene therapy 16 (4), 476-482, 2009
Motile ciliogenesis and the mitotic prism
A Al Jord, N Spassky, A Meunier
Biology of the Cell 111 (8), 199-212, 2019
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Articles 1–20