Luca Morandini
Cited by
Cited by
The Australia urban research gateway
RO Sinnott, C Bayliss, A Bromage, G Galang, G Grazioli, P Greenwood, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (2), 358-375, 2015
Analysis of the spatio-temporal and semantic aspects of land-cover/use change dynamics 1991–2001 in Albania at national and district levels
LJM Jansen, G Carrai, L Morandini, PO Cerutti, A Spisni
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 119, 107-136, 2006
SMASH: A cloud-based architecture for big data processing and visualization of traffic data
RO Sinnott, L Morandini, S Wu
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive …, 2015
A data-driven urban research environment for Australia
RO Sinnott, C Bayliss, G Galang, P Greenwood, G Koetsier, D Mannix, ...
2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science, 1-8, 2012
The design and benchmarking of a cloud-based platform for processing and visualization of traffic data
Y Gong, L Morandini, RO Sinnott
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp …, 2017
Privacy preserving geo-linkage in the big urban data era
RO Sinnott, C Bayliss, A Bromage, G Galang, Y Gong, P Greenwood, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 14, 603-618, 2016
The design of a flexible web-based analytical platform for urban research
M Tomko, P Greenwood, M Sarwar, L Morandini, R Stimson, C Bayliss, ...
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on advances in geographic …, 2012
The Urban Data Re-use and Integration Platform for Australia: Design, Realisation, and Case Studies
RO Sinnott, C Bayliss, A Bromage, G Galang, Y Gong, P Greenwood, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, 90-97, 2015
Tools and processes to support the development of a national platform for urban research: lessons (being) learnt from the AURIN project
RO Sinnott, C Bayliss, L Morandini, M Tomko
Proceedings of the Eleventh Australasian Symposium on Parallel and …, 2013
The design of a flexible Web-based analytical platform for urban research–systems paper
M Tomko, C Bayliss, G Galang, P Greenwood, G Koetsier, D Mannix, ...
ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems …, 2012
Supporting urban informatics through a big data analytics online workbench
CJ Pettit, R Stimson, M Nino-Ruiz, L Morandini, I Widjaja, P Delaney, ...
NSF Workshop, Big Data and Urban Informatics, University of Illinios …, 2014
Getting the best performance for GeoJSON map visualizations: PostGIS Vs CouchDB back-end
L Morandini, M Tomko, R Sinnott
Mapping the chatter: spatial metaphors for dynamic topic modelling of social media
L Morandini, AR Mohammad, RO Sinnott
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2022
Check for updates The Australian Digital Observatory: Social Media Collection, Discovery and Analytics at Scale
RO Sinnott, Q Li, A Mohammad, L Morandini
Big Data Intelligence and Computing: International Conference, DataCom 2022 …, 2023
The Australian Digital Observatory: Social Media Collection, Discovery and Analytics at Scale
RO Sinnott, Q Li, A Mohammad, L Morandini
International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing, 316-327, 2022
The Evolving Architecture of a National Platform for Urban Research in Australia
RO Sinnott, L Morandini, C Bayliss, P Greenwood, G Karami, H Pursultani
2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering …, 2020
The AURIN e-infrastructure: design, development and delivery
M Tomko, C Bayliss, G Galang, P Greenwood, J Koetsier, D Mannix, ...
The AURIN e-Infrastructure: Design, Development and Delivery
R Sinnott, C Bayliss, G Galang, P Greenwood, G Koetsier, D Mannix, ...
The Urban Research Gateway for Australia
RO Sinnott, C Bayliss, A Bromage, G Galang, G Grazioli, P Greenwood, ...
Driving Innovation by Measuring Affordability
F Pamminger, P Greenwood, L Morandini, R Sinnott
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Articles 1–20