Hassen Dhrif
Hassen Dhrif
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Cited by
Epigenomic signatures underpin the axonal regenerative ability of dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons
I Palmisano, MC Danzi, TH Hutson, L Zhou, E McLachlan, E Serger, ...
Nature neuroscience 22 (11), 1913-1924, 2019
Development of a hybrid training simulator for structural heart disease interventions
SJ Jang, M Torabinia, H Dhrif, A Caprio, J Liu, SC Wong, B Mosadegh
Advanced Intelligent Systems 2 (12), 2000109, 2020
A stable hybrid method for feature subset selection using particle swarm optimization with local search
H Dhrif, LGS Giraldo, M Kubat, S Wuchty
GECCO'19: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2019
A stable combinatorial particle swarm optimization for scalable feature selection in gene expression data
H Dhrif, LGS Giraldo, M Kubat, S Wuchty
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.08619, 2019
Fuzzy arithmetic on systolic arrays
H Dhrif, D Sarkar
Parallel computing 19 (11), 1283-1301, 1993
Gene subset selection for transfer learning using bilevel particle swarm optimization
H Dhrif, V Bolón-Canedo, S Wuchty
2020 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2020
Stable Feature Selection for Gene Expression using Enhanced Binary Particle Swarm Optimization.
H Dhrif, S Wuchty
ICAART (2), 437-444, 2020
Systolic algorithms for the dynamic programming problem
H Dhrif, D Sarkar
International journal of computer mathematics 41 (3-4), 151-163, 1992
Stability and Scalability of Feature Subset Selection using Particle Swarm Optimization in Bioinformatics
H Dhrif
University of Miami, FL, 2019
Learning and estimating whole sky visible, VNIR, SWIR radiance distributions from a commercial camera
J Del Rocco, CB Patterson, H Dhrif, JT Kider
Optics and Photonics for Information Processing XII 10751, 76-90, 2018
8th IEEE International Workshop on Data Integration and Mining (DIM 2019) Organizing Committee
ML Shyu, Y Tao, S Sadiq, H Dhrif, N Choochart Haruechaiyasak, TH Luo, ...
H Dhrif, D Sarkar
Parallel Computing 19, 1283-1301, 1993
CogMI 2023
C Seifert, I Ray, R Aygun, R Banerjee, L Cheng, K Chen, KT Chuang, ...
IRI 2023
A Abayomi-Alli, M Alenazi, V Anu, G Bajwa, H Cao, X Chen, H Dhrif, ...
CogMI 2022
K Aberer, ML Shyu, R Aygun, K Chen, KT Chuang, H Dhrif, R Guidotti, ...
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Articles 1–15