Xiaoqiao Meng
Xiaoqiao Meng
Meta Inc
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Cited by
Improving the scalability of data center networks with traffic-aware virtual machine placement
X Meng, V Pappas, L Zhang
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
Real-time forest fire detection with wireless sensor networks
L Yu, N Wang, X Meng
Proceedings. 2005 International Conference on Wireless Communications …, 2005
Self-organized network-layer security in mobile ad hoc networks
H Yang, X Meng, S Lu
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Wireless security, 11-20, 2002
Efficient resource provisioning in compute clouds via virtual machine multiplexing
X Meng, C Isci, J Kephart, L Zhang, E Bouillet, D Pendarakis
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Autonomic computing, 11-20, 2010
Consolidating virtual machines with dynamic bandwidth demand in data centers
M Wang, X Meng, L Zhang
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 71-75, 2011
Placement of virtual machines based on server cost and network cost
DM Freimuth, X Meng, V Pappas, L Zhang
US Patent 8,478,878, 2013
A new easy camera calibration technique based on circular points
X Meng, Z Hu
Pattern Recognition 36 (5), 1155-1164, 2003
How bad TCP can perform in mobile ad hoc networks
Z Fu, X Meng, S Lu
Proceedings ISCC 2002 Seventh International Symposium on Computers and …, 2002
Design and implementation of a TCP-friendly transport protocol for ad hoc wireless networks
Z Fu, B Greenstein, X Meng, S Lu
10th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 2002. Proceedings …, 2002
When cloud meets ebay: Towards effective pricing for cloud computing
Q Wang, K Ren, X Meng
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 936-944, 2012
Characterizing flows in large wireless data networks
X Meng, SHY Wong, Y Yuan, S Lu
Proceedings of the 10th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2004
IPv4 address allocation and the BGP routing table evolution
X Meng, Z Xu, B Zhang, G Huston, S Lu, L Zhang
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 35 (1), 71-80, 2005
Resource aware scheduling in a distributed computing environment
X Meng, J Tan, L Zhang
US Patent 9,201,690, 2015
Delay tails in MapReduce scheduling
J Tan, X Meng, L Zhang
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE joint international …, 2012
Coupling task progress for mapreduce resource-aware scheduling
J Tan, X Meng, L Zhang
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1618-1626, 2013
孟晓桥, 胡占义
自动化学报 29 (001), 110-124, 2003
A transport protocol for supporting multimedia streaming in mobile ad hoc networks
Z Fu, X Meng, S Lu
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 21 (10), 1615-1626, 2003
System and method for virtual machine multiplexing for resource provisioning in compute clouds
C Isci, JO Kephart, X Meng, L Zhang
US Patent 8,423,998, 2013
A study of the short message service of a nationwide cellular network
P Zerfos, X Meng, SHY Wong, V Samanta, S Lu
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 263-268, 2006
Contour maps: Monitoring and diagnosis in sensor networks
X Meng, T Nandagopal, L Li, S Lu
Computer Networks 50 (15), 2820-2838, 2006
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Articles 1–20