Yoshi Kamiya
Yoshi Kamiya
Tenure-Track Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Topological defects as relics of emergent continuous symmetry and Higgs condensation of disorder in ferroelectrics
SZ Lin, X Wang, Y Kamiya, GW Chern, F Fan, D Fan, B Casas, Y Liu, ...
Nature Physics 10 (12), 970-977, 2014
Frustration and chiral orderings in correlated electron systems
CD Batista, SZ Lin, S Hayami, Y Kamiya
Reports on Progress in Physics 79 (8), 084504, 2016
Static and Dynamical Properties of the Spin- Equilateral Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet
J Ma, Y Kamiya, T Hong, HB Cao, G Ehlers, W Tian, CD Batista, ZL Dun, ...
Physical review letters 116 (8), 087201, 2016
The nature of spin excitations in the one-third magnetization plateau phase of Ba3CoSb2O9
Y Kamiya, L Ge, T Hong, Y Qiu, DL Quintero-Castro, Z Lu, HB Cao, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2666, 2018
Quantum phase diagram of the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet
G Koutroulakis, T Zhou, Y Kamiya, JD Thompson, HD Zhou, CD Batista, ...
Physical Review B 91 (2), 024410, 2015
Successive Majorana topological transitions driven by a magnetic field in the Kitaev model
J Nasu, Y Kato, Y Kamiya, Y Motome
Physical Review B 98 (6), 060416, 2018
: A spin- triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the two-dimensional limit
R Rawl, L Ge, H Agrawal, Y Kamiya, CR Dela Cruz, NP Butch, XF Sun, ...
Physical Review B 95 (6), 060412, 2017
Crystalline electric field excitations in the quantum spin liquid candidate
Z Zhang, X Ma, J Li, G Wang, DT Adroja, TP Perring, W Liu, F Jin, J Ji, ...
Physical Review B 103 (3), 035144, 2021
Comprehensive study of the dynamics of a classical Kitaev spin liquid
AM Samarakoon, A Banerjee, SS Zhang, Y Kamiya, SE Nagler, ...
Physical Review B 96 (13), 134408, 2017
Magnetic vortex crystals in frustrated mott insulator
Y Kamiya, CD Batista
Physical Review X 4 (1), 011023, 2014
Formation of Magnetic Microphases in Ca_ {3} Co_ {2} O_ {6}
Y Kamiya, CD Batista
Physical Review Letters 109 (6), 67204, 2012
Dynamical structure factor of the triangular antiferromagnet: Schwinger boson theory beyond mean field
EA Ghioldi, MG Gonzalez, SS Zhang, Y Kamiya, LO Manuel, AE Trumper, ...
Physical Review B 98 (18), 184403, 2018
Dimensional crossover in the quasi-two-dimensional Ising-O (3) model
Y Kamiya, N Kawashima, CD Batista
Physical Review B 84 (21), 214429, 2011
Vortices, skyrmions, and chirality waves in frustrated Mott insulators with a quenched periodic array of impurities
S Hayami, SZ Lin, Y Kamiya, CD Batista
Physical Review B 94 (17), 174420, 2016
Three-dimensional crystallization of vortex strings in frustrated quantum magnets
Z Wang, Y Kamiya, AH Nevidomskyy, CD Batista
Physical Review Letters 115 (10), 107201, 2015
Magnetic three states of matter: A quantum Monte Carlo study of spin liquids
Y Kamiya, Y Kato, J Nasu, Y Motome
Physical Review B 92 (10), 100403, 2015
Multiferroicity with coexisting isotropic and anisotropic spins in
JW Kim, Y Kamiya, ED Mun, M Jaime, N Harrison, JD Thompson, ...
Physical Review B 89 (6), 060404, 2014
Multiferroic Behavior in Trimerized Mott Insulators
Y Kamiya, CD Batista
Physical Review Letters 108 (9), 097202, 2012
Spin-liquid–to–spin-liquid transition in Kitaev magnets driven by fractionalization
J Nasu, Y Kato, J Yoshitake, Y Kamiya, Y Motome
Physical Review Letters 118 (13), 137203, 2017
Evidence of two-spinon bound states in the magnetic spectrum of
EA Ghioldi, SS Zhang, Y Kamiya, LO Manuel, AE Trumper, CD Batista
Physical Review B 106 (6), 064418, 2022
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Articles 1–20