Ho Young Yoon 윤호영
Ho Young Yoon 윤호영
Assistant Professor, Division of Communication & Media, Ewha Womans University
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Cited by
From e-government to social government: Twitter use by Korea's central government
G Feroz Khan, H Young Yoon, J Kim, H Woo Park
Online information review 38 (1), 95-113, 2014
Social media communication strategies of government agencies: Twitter use in Korea and the USA
GF Khan, HY Yoon, HW Park
Asian Journal of Communication 24 (1), 60-78, 2014
Mapping a Twitter scholarly communication network: a case of the association of internet researchers’ conference
MK Lee, HY Yoon, M Smith, HJ Park, HW Park
Scientometrics 112 (2), 767-797, 2017
Strategies affecting Twitter-based networking pattern of South Korean politicians: social network analysis and exponential random graph model
HY Yoon, HW Park
Quality & Quantity 48 (1), 409-423, 2014
‘Green chasm’in clean-tech for air pollution: Patent evidence of a long innovation cycle and a technological level gap
SJ Ahn, HY Yoon
Journal of Cleaner Production 272, 122726, 2020
Alcohol problem recognition and help seeking in adolescents and young adults at varying genetic and environmental risk
JE Glass, G J. D., Y H. Y., B K. K
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2015
Resilience in Risk Communication Networks: Following the 2015 MERS Response in South Korea.
K Kim, HY Yoon, K Jung
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2017
From online via offline to online: how online visibility of tourism information shapes and is shaped by offline visits
MK Lee, HY Yoon, HW Park
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 34 (9), 1143-1154, 2017
Understanding the Social Mechanism of Cancer Misinformation Spread on YouTube and Lessons Learned: Infodemiological Study
HY Yoon, KH You, JH Kwon, JS Kim, SY Rha, YJ Chang, SC Lee
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (11), e39571, 2022
Text mining as a tool for real-time technology assessment: Application to the cross-national comparative study on artificial organ technology
SJ Ahn, HY Yoon, YJ Lee
Technology in Society 66, 101659, 2021
Sustainability Factors of Emergent Civic News Websites A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Approach
N Kim, M Konieczna, HY Yoon, LA Friedland
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 93 (4), 750-769, 2016
다중미디어 시대의 뉴스 미디어 레퍼토리와 주제 관심도 관계 분석
윤호영, 길우영, 이종혁
한국방송학보 31 (1), 107-148, 2017
딥 러닝 (Deep learning) 기반 동영상 처리 알고리즘을 통한 19 대 대선 TV 토론 영상분석: 후보자들의 등장빈도, 표정, 응시방향에 대한 분석
최윤정, 정유진, 윤호영, 김민정, 김나영, 첸루, 신주연, 이주희, 여은, ...
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies-Vol 64 (5), 319-372, 2020
한국 정치인들의 트위터 활용 방식
윤호영, 박한우
동아인문학 20, 559-582, 2011
Finding tourism niche on image-based social media: Integrating computational methods
HY Yoon, SC Yoo
Journal of Vacation Marketing 30 (4), 874-889, 2024
Global COVID-19 Policy Engagement with Scientific Research Information: Altmetric Data Approach
HW Park, HY Yoon
Journal of Medical Internet Research 25, e46328, 2023
사람에서 컴퓨터 자동화로의 연결을 위한 탐색 : 객체 인식(Object Detection) 딥러닝 알고리즘 YOLO4, 자세 인식(Pose Detection) 프레임워크 MediaPipe를 활용한 음악 프로그램의 여성 신 …
Y Ho Young
한국언론학보 65 (6), 452-481, 2021
팟캐스트 방송 생태계의 진화: 다양성 변화, 경쟁 및 생존
한국방송학보 33 (4), 146-185, 2019
미디어 블록체인의 비전과 가치: 미디어 블록체인의 ICO 백서 분석을 중심으로
유경한, 윤호영
사이버커뮤니케이션학보 35 (4), 253-296, 2018
방송 뉴스가 재현하는 성범죄 피해 여성 이미지에 대한 키프레임 분석: 가상물, 자료화면을 통한 피해자다움의 재생산과 익명-실명 보도의 차이를 중심으로(Key Frame Analysis of Network …
백지연, 윤호영
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies-Vol 65 (2), 75-113, 2021
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Articles 1–20