Holographic optical traps for atom-based topological Kondo devices F Buccheri, GD Bruce, A Trombettoni, D Cassettari, H Babujian, ... New Journal of Physics 18 (7), 075012, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Exact form factors of the SU (N) Gross–Neveu model and 1/N expansion HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Nuclear physics B 825 (3), 396-425, 2010 | 28 | 2010 |
Thermodynamics of the topological Kondo model F Buccheri, H Babujian, VE Korepin, P Sodano, A Trombettoni Nuclear Physics B 896, 52-79, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Exact form factors of the O (N) σ-model HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (11), 1-53, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
O (N)-matrix difference equations and a nested Bethe ansatz HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (5), 055207, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Artin billiard: Exponential decay of correlation functions HR Poghosyan, HM Babujian, GK Savvidy Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 197 (2), 1592-1610, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Probing strong correlations with light scattering: Example of the quantum Ising model HM Babujian, M Karowski, AM Tsvelik Physical Review B 94 (15), 155156, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
The nested off-shell Bethe ansatz and O (N) matrix difference equations H Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.3479, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Correlation functions of classical and quantum Artin system defined on Lobachevsky plane and scrambling time H Babujian, R Poghossian, G Savvidy arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02132, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Multipoint Green's functions in 1+ 1 dimensional integrable quantum field theories HM Babujian, M Karowski, AM Tsvelik Nuclear Physics B 917, 122-153, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Bethe Ansatz and exact form factors of the O (N) Gross Neveu-model HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (2), 1-33, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Quantum nonequilibrium dynamics from Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations TA Sedrakyan, HM Babujian Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (4), 1-24, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
AND () OFF-SHELL NESTED BETHE ANSATZ AND FORM FACTORS H Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Low Dimensional Physics and Gauge Principles: Matinyan's Festschrift, 46-57, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Asymptotic factorization of n-particle SU (N) form factors HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (6), 1-41, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Correlation functions of quantum Artin system H Babujian, R Poghossian, G Savvidy Universe 6 (7), 91, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Bethe ansatz and exact form factors of the O (6) Gross Neveu-model HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (33), 334003, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Form factors of the O (6) Gross Neveu-model HM Babujian, A Foerster, M Karowski arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.05973, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Correlation Functions of Classical and Quantum Artin System defined on Lobachevsky Plane H Babujian, R Poghossian, H Poghosyan, G Savvidy Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics, 3, 2021 | | 2021 |
Exponential Decay of Correlation Functions H Poghosyan, H Babujian, G Savvidy arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04543, 2018 | | 2018 |