Erhard Berner
Erhard Berner
Associate Professor of Development Sociology, Institute of Social Sudies
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Cited by
Holding their ground: Secure land tenure for the urban poor in developing countries
A Durand-Lasserve, L Royston
Earthscan, 2002
‘Helping a large number of people become a little less poor’: The logic of survival entrepreneurs
E Berner, G Gomez, P Knorringa
The European Journal of Development Research 24, 382-396, 2012
Progressive patronage? Municipalities, NGOs, CBOs and the limits to slum dwellers’ empowerment
J De Wit, E Berner
Development and Change 40 (5), 927-947, 2009
Left to their own devices? Community self-help between alternative development and neo-liberalism
E Berner, B Phillips
Community Development Journal 40 (1), 17-29, 2005
Defending a place in the city: Localities and the struggle for urban land in Metro Manila
E Berner
Globalization and local resistance: the creation of localities in Manila and Bangkok
E Berner, R Korff
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 19 (2), 208-222, 1995
Learning from informal markets: Innovative approaches to land and housing provision
E Berner
Development in practice 11 (2-3), 292-307, 2001
Poverty Alleviation and the Eviction of the Poorest: Towards Urban Land Reform in the Philippines
EJ Berner
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 24 (3), 554-566, 2000
Opportunities and insecurities: globalisation, localities and the struggle for urban land in Manila
E Berner
The European Journal of Development Research 9 (1), 167-182, 1997
Informal developers, patrons, and the state: institutions and regulatory mechanisms in popular housing
E Berner
Naerus Conference ESF/N-AERUS Workshop on'Coping with Informality and …, 2000
Metropol ikilemi: Küresel toplum, yerellikler ve Manila’da kent arazisi için yürütülen mücadele
E Berner
A Öncü ve P. Weyland (Der.) Mekan, kültür, ikti-dar içinde (ss. 137-163 …, 2005
Participation between tyranny and emancipation
E Berner
Participation for what: Social change or social control, 1-7, 2010
Social structure and human agency: An introduction
E Berner
Basic text for INT 101 (7), 1998
Legalizing squatters, excluding the poorest: Urban land transfer programs in the Philippines
E Berner
DEU 257, 12, 1996
The metropolitan dilemma: global society, localities and the struggle for urban land in Manila
E Berner
A. ÖNCÜ et P. WEYLAND éds., Space, Culture and Power. New Identities in …, 1997
The logic of survival entrepreneurs and the moral economy of the slum
E Berner, G Gomez, P Knorringa
UNU–WIDER Workshop ‘Entrepreneurship and Economic Development’, Helenski (21 …, 2008
Of slums and gated communities: failures of formal and informal land markets in developing cities
E Berner
Fourth Urban Research Symposium, 2007
Power Resources and Dominance: a critique and reformulation of strategic groups analysis
E Berner
DEU 218, 22, 1995
Kollektive Strategien, Herrschaft und Widerstand: Zur Relevanz einer Theorie strategischer Gruppen in der Entwicklungssoziologie
E Berner, H Schrader, M Kaiser, R Korff
Markt, Kultur und Gesellschaft: Zur Aktualität von 25, 113-132, 2001
Strategische Cliquen und Proto-Klassen
E Berner
Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Soziologie, Forschungsschwerpunkt …, 1991
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Articles 1–20