Raul Lara-Cabrera
Cited by
Cited by
Android malware detection through hybrid features fusion and ensemble classifiers: The AndroPyTool framework and the OmniDroid dataset
A Martín, R Lara-Cabrera, D Camacho
Information Fusion 52, 128-142, 2019
A Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on Naïve Bayes Classifier
P Valdiviezo-Diaz, F Ortega, E Cobos, R Lara-Cabrera
IEEE Access 7, 108581-108592, 2019
EvoDeep: a new Evolutionary approach for automatic Deep Neural Networks parametrisation
A Martın, R Lara-Cabrera, F Fuentes-Hurtado, V Naranjo, D Camacho
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2018
Measuring the radicalisation risk in social networks
R Lara-Cabrera, AG Pardo, K Benouaret, N Faci, D Benslimane, ...
IEEE access 5, 10892-10900, 2017
A review of computational intelligence in RTS games
R Lara-Cabrera, C Cotta, AJ Fernández-Leiva
Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI), 2013 IEEE Symposium on …, 2013
Statistical analysis of risk assessment factors and metrics to evaluate radicalisation in Twitter
R Lara-Cabrera, A Gonzalez-Pardo, D Camacho
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 971-978, 2019
DeepFair: Deep Learning for Improving Fairness in Recommender Systems
J Bobadilla, R Lara-Cabrera, Á González-Prieto, F Ortega
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2021
A taxonomy and state of the art revision on affective games
R Lara-Cabrera, D Camacho
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 516-525, 2019
Linguistic analysis of pro-ISIS users on Twitter
J Torregrosa, J Thorburn, R Lara-Cabrera, D Camacho, HM Trujillo
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 12 (3), 171-185, 2020
Deep matrix factorization approach for collaborative filtering recommender systems
R Lara-Cabrera, Á González-Prieto, F Ortega
Applied Sciences 10 (14), 4926, 2020
Providing reliability in recommender systems through Bernoulli matrix factorization
F Ortega, R Lara-Cabrera, Á González-Prieto, J Bobadilla
Information sciences 553, 110-128, 2021
A new tool for static and dynamic Android malware analysis
A Martín, R Lara-Cabrera, D Camacho
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support, 509, 2018
Deep learning feature selection to unhide demographic recommender systems factors
J Bobadilla, Á González-Prieto, F Ortega, R Lara-Cabrera
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (12), 7291-7308, 2021
On balance and dynamism in procedural content generation with self-adaptive evolutionary algorithms
R Lara-Cabrera, C Cotta, AJ Fernández-Leiva
Natural Computing 13, 157-168, 2014
An analysis of the structure and evolution of the scientific collaboration network of computer intelligence in games
R Lara-Cabrera, C Cotta, AJ Fernández-Leiva
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 395, 523-536, 2014
A procedural balanced map generator with self-adaptive complexity for the real-time strategy game planet wars
R Lara-Cabrera, C Cotta, AJ Fernández-Leiva
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 16th European Conference …, 2013
Social networks data analysis with semantics: application to the radicalization problem
M Barhamgi, A Masmoudi, R Lara-Cabrera, D Camacho
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-15, 2024
Game artificial intelligence: challenges for the scientific community
R Lara-Cabrera, M Nogueira-Collazo, C Cotta-Porras, ...
Procedural Map Generation for a RTS Game
R Lara-Cabrera, C Cotta, AJ Fernández-Leiva
13th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation - GAMEON …, 2012
From ephemeral computing to deep bioinspired algorithms: new trends and applications
D Camacho, R Lara-Cabrera, JJ Merelo-Guervós, PA Castillo, C Cotta, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 88, 735-746, 2018
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Articles 1–20