Albert Orriols Puig
Albert Orriols Puig
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Cited by
A study of the effect of different types of noise on the precision of supervised learning techniques
DF Nettleton, A Orriols-Puig, A Fornells
Artificial intelligence review 33 (4), 275-306, 2010
Evolutionary rule-based systems for imbalanced data sets
A Orriols-Puig, E Bernadó-Mansilla
Soft Computing 13 (3), 213-225, 2009
Documentation for the data complexity library in c++
A Orriols-Puig, N Macia, TK Ho
Universitat Ramon Llull, La Salle 196 (1-40), 12, 2010
Facetwise analysis of XCS for problems with class imbalances
A Orriols-Puig, E Bernado-Mansilla, DE Goldberg, K Sastry, PL Lanzi
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 13 (5), 1093-1119, 2009
Genetic-based machine learning systems are competitive for pattern recognition
A Orriols-Puig, J Casillas, E Bernadó-Mansilla
Evolutionary Intelligence 1 (3), 209-232, 2008
Fuzzy-UCS: a Michigan-style learning fuzzy-classifier system for supervised learning
A Orriols-Puig, J Casillas, E Bernadó-Mansilla
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 13 (2), 260-283, 2008
Bounding XCS's parameters for unbalanced datasets
A Orriols-Puig, E Bernadó-Mansilla
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2006
The class imbalance problem in learning classifier systems: a preliminary study
A Orriols, E Bernadó-Mansilla
Proceedings of the 7th annual workshop on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Learner excellence biased by data set selection: A case for data characterisation and artificial data sets
N Maciŕ, E Bernadó-Mansilla, A Orriols-Puig, TK Ho
Pattern Recognition 46 (3), 1054-1066, 2013
Class imbalance problem in UCS classifier system: Fitness adaptation
A Orriols, E Bernadó-Mansilla
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 1, 604-611, 2005
Large-scale experimental evaluation of cluster representations for multiobjective evolutionary clustering
A Garcia-Piquer, A Fornells, J Bacardit, A Orriols-Puig, E Golobardes
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 18 (1), 36-53, 2013
A further look at UCS classifier system
A Orriols-Puig, E Bernadó-Mansilla
GECCO’06, 8-12, 2006
Revisiting ucs: Description, fitness sharing, and comparison with xcs
A Orriols-Puig, E Bernadó-Mansilla
Learning Classifier Systems, 96-116, 2006
Unsupervised KDD to creatively support managers' decision making with fuzzy association rules: A distribution channel application
A Orriols-Puig, FJ Martínez-López, J Casillas, N Lee
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (4), 532-543, 2013
A soft-computing-based method for the automatic discovery of fuzzy rules in databases: Uses for academic research and management support in marketing
A Orriols-Puig, FJ Martínez-López, J Casillas, N Lee
Journal of Business Research 66 (9), 1332-1337, 2013
A soft-computing-based method for the automatic discovery of fuzzy rules in databases: Uses for academic research and management support in marketing
A Orriols-Puig, FJ Martínez-López, J Casillas, N Lee
Journal of Business Research 66 (9), 1332-1337, 2013
Preliminary approach on synthetic data sets generation based on class separability measure
N Macia, E Bernadó-Mansilla, A Orriols-Puig
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Fuzzy knowledge representation study for incremental learning in data streams and classification problems
A Orriols-Puig, J Casillas
Soft Computing 15 (12), 2389-2414, 2011
Fuzzy knowledge representation study for incremental learning in data streams and classification problems
A Orriols-Puig, J Casillas
Soft Computing 15 (12), 2389-2414, 2011
Genetic-based synthetic data sets for the analysis of classifiers behavior
N Maciŕ, A Orriols-Puig, E Bernadó-Mansilla
2008 Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 507-512, 2008
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Articles 1–20