Guillermo Rozas
Guillermo Rozas
Photonics & Optoelectronics Laboratory, Centro Atómico Bariloche
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Lifetime of THz acoustic nanocavity modes
G Rozas, MF Pascual Winter, B Jusserand, A Fainstein, B Perrin, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (1), 15502, 2009
Selective optical generation of coherent acoustic nanocavity modes
MF Pascual Winter, G Rozas, A Fainstein, B Jusserand, B Perrin, A Huynh, ...
Physical Review Letters 98 (26), 265501, 2007
Frequency dependence of the maximum operating temperature for quantum-cascade lasers up to 5.4 THz
M Wienold, B Röben, X Lü, G Rozas, L Schrottke, K Biermann, HT Grahn
Applied Physics Letters 107 (20), 202101, 2015
Terahertz GaAs/AlAs quantum-cascade lasers
L Schrottke, X Lü, G Rozas, K Biermann, HT Grahn
Applied Physics Letters 108 (10), 102102, 2016
Ashes in the air: the effects of volcanic ash emissions on plant–pollinator relationships and possible consequences for apiculture
AS Martínez, M Masciocchi, JM Villacide, G Huerta, L Daneri, ...
Apidologie 44 (3), 268-277, 2013
Polariton path to fully resonant dispersive coupling in optomechanical resonators
G Rozas, AE Bruchhausen, A Fainstein, B Jusserand, A Lemaître
Physical Review B 90 (20), 201302, 2014
Optoelectronic forces with quantum wells for cavity optomechanics in GaAs/AlAs semiconductor microcavities
V Villafañe, P Sesin, P Soubelet, S Anguiano, AE Bruchhausen, G Rozas, ...
Physical Review B 97 (19), 195306, 2018
Spectra of mechanical cavity modes in distributed Bragg reflector based vertical GaAs resonators
S Anguiano, G Rozas, AE Bruchhausen, A Fainstein, B Jusserand, ...
Physical Review B 90 (4), 045314, 2014
Piezoelectric semiconductor acoustic cavities
G Rozas, MF Pascual Winter, A Fainstein, B Jusserand, PO Vaccaro, ...
Physical Review B 72 (3), 035331, 2005
Fabry-Pérot-multichannel spectrometer tandem for ultra-high resolution Raman spectroscopy
G Rozas, B Jusserand, A Fainstein
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (1), 013103, 2014
Acoustic phonon Raman scattering induced by a built-in electric field
G Rozas, MF Pascual Winter, A Fainstein, B Jusserand, PO Vaccaro, ...
Physical Review B 77 (16), 165314, 2008
Giant optomechanical coupling and dephasing protection with cavity exciton-polaritons
P Sesin, AS Kuznetsov, G Rozas, S Anguiano, AE Bruchhausen, ...
Physical Review Research 5 (4), L042035, 2023
Quantum well photoelastic comb for ultra-high frequency cavity optomechanics
V Villafañe, S Anguiano, AE Bruchhausen, G Rozas, J Bloch, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (1), 014011, 2018
Comprehensive analysis of the composition determination in epitaxial AlxGa1-xAs films: A multitechnique approach
M Gonzalez, G Rozas, LS Alarcon, M Simonetto, A Bruchhausen, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 123, 105469, 2021
Effects of aging processes at the surface of the superconductor
L Lanoël, G Rozas, AE Bruchhausen, ML Amigó, MVA Crivillero, JA Hofer, ...
Physical Review B 106 (21), 214507, 2022
Jugando con colores y pigmentos: una aproximación experimental y arqueométrica a la alfarería Portezuelo (ca. 600-900 dC)(Catamarca, Argentina)
MG Martínez Carricondo, GA De La Fuente, DC Nazar, G Rozas
Revista del Museo de Antropología 15 (3), 63-80, 2022
Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy of prefiring paintings and slips in pre-Hispanic South American pottery—the case of Diaguita Inca pottery: an initial glazing-painting process …
GA De La Fuente, F Marte, NE Mastrangelo, M Martínez Carricondo, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 1-8, 2021
Estudio Raman de ultra-alta resolución de la dinámica de fonones acústicos confinados en cavidades.
G Rozas
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2011
Compositional effects on the electrical properties of extremely disordered molybdenum oxynitrides thin films
JA Hofer, S Bengió, G Rozas, PD Pérez, M Sirena, S Suárez, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 242, 122075, 2020
Ultra-high resolution Raman spectroscopy
G Rozas, MF Pascual Winter, B Jusserand, A Fainstein, E Semenova, ...
29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (2008, Rio de …, 2010
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Articles 1–20