Laurent Jolivet
Laurent Jolivet
Sorbonne Université, France
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Convergence history across Zagros (Iran): constraints from collisional and earlier deformation
P Agard, J Omrani, L Jolivet, F Mouthereau
International journal of earth sciences 94, 401-419, 2005
Zagros orogeny: a subduction-dominated process
P Agard, J Omrani, L Jolivet, H Whitechurch, B Vrielynck, W Spakman, ...
Geological Magazine 148 (5-6), 692-725, 2011
Mediterranean extension and the Africa‐Eurasia collision
L Jolivet, C Faccenna
Tectonics 19 (6), 1095-1106, 2000
Lateral slab deformation and the origin of the western Mediterranean arcs
C Faccenna, C Piromallo, A Crespo‐Blanc, L Jolivet, F Rossetti
Tectonics 23 (1), 2004
History of subduction and back arc extension in the Central Mediterranean
C Faccenna, TW Becker, FP Lucente, L Jolivet, F Rossetti
Geophysical Journal International 145 (3), 809-820, 2001
Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Aegean
L Jolivet, JP Brun
International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 109-138, 2010
Japan Sea, opening history and mechanism: A synthesis
L Jolivet, K Tamaki, M Fournier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B11), 22237-22259, 1994
Exhumation of oceanic blueschists and eclogites in subduction zones: timing and mechanisms
P Agard, P Yamato, L Jolivet, E Burov
Earth-Science Reviews 92 (1-2), 53-79, 2009
Arc-magmatism and subduction history beneath the Zagros Mountains, Iran: A new report of adakites and geodynamic consequences
J Omrani, P Agard, H Whitechurch, M Benoit, G Prouteau, L Jolivet
Lithos 106 (3-4), 380-398, 2008
Midcrustal shear zones in postorogenic extension: Example from the northern Tyrrhenian Sea
L Jolivet, C Faccenna, B Goffé, M Mattei, F Rossetti, C Brunet, F Storti, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B6), 12123-12160, 1998
Aegean tectonics: Strain localisation, slab tearing and trench retreat
L Jolivet, C Faccenna, B Huet, L Labrousse, L Le Pourhiet, O Lacombe, ...
Tectonophysics 597, 1-33, 2013
Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean
C Faccenna, TW Becker, L Auer, A Billi, L Boschi, JP Brun, FA Capitanio, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 52 (3), 283-332, 2014
Subduction tectonics and exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Mediterranean orogens
L Jolivet, C Faccenna, B Goffe, E Burov, P Agard
American Journal of Science 303 (5), 353-409, 2003
Kinematics, topography, shortening, and extrusion in the India‐Eurasia collision
X Le Pichon, M Fournier, L Jolivet
Tectonics 11 (6), 1085-1098, 1992
Timing, kinematics and cause of Aegean extension: a scenario based on a comparison with simple analogue experiments
P Gautier, JP Brun, R Moriceau, D Sokoutis, J Martinod, L Jolivet
Tectonophysics 315 (1-4), 31-72, 1999
Neogene kinematics in the Japan Sea region and volcanic activity of the northeast Japan arc
L Jolivet
Proceedings of the ocean drilling program, scientific results 127, 1311-1331, 1992
Japan Sea: a pull-apart basin?
S Lallemand, L Jolivet
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 76 (3-4), 375-389, 1986
Migration of compression and extension in the Tyrrhenian Sea, insights from 40Ar/39Ar ages on micas along a transect from Corsica to Tuscany
C Brunet, P Monié, L Jolivet, JP Cadet
Tectonophysics 321 (1), 127-155, 2000
Subduction and the depth of convection in the Mediterranean mantle
C Faccenna, L Jolivet, C Piromallo, A Morelli
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B2), 2003
Miocene detachment in Crete and exhumation P‐T‐t paths of high‐pressure metamorphic rocks
L Jolivet, B Goffé, P Monié, C Truffert‐Luxey, M Patriat, M Bonneau
Tectonics 15 (6), 1129-1153, 1996
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