Jakob Ruess
Jakob Ruess
Inria Paris & Institut Pasteur
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Moment-based inference predicts bimodality in transient gene expression
C Zechner, J Ruess, P Krenn, S Pelet, M Peter, J Lygeros, H Koeppl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (21), 8340-8345, 2012
Shaping bacterial population behavior through computer-interfaced control of individual cells
R Chait, J Ruess, T Bergmiller, G Tkačik, CC Guet
Nature communications 8 (1), 1535, 2017
Iterative experiment design guides the characterization of a light-inducible gene expression circuit
J Ruess, F Parise, A Milias-Argeitis, M Khammash, J Lygeros
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (26), 8148-8153, 2015
Designing experiments to understand the variability in biochemical reaction networks
J Ruess, A Milias-Argeitis, J Lygeros
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10 (88), 20130588, 2013
Moment estimation for chemically reacting systems by extended Kalman filtering
J Ruess, A Milias-Argeitis, S Summers, J Lygeros
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (16), 2011
A light tunable differentiation system for the creation and control of consortia in yeast
C Aditya, F Bertaux, G Batt, J Ruess
Nature Communications 12, 5829, 2021
Enabling reactive microscopy with MicroMator
ZR Fox, S Fletcher, A Fraisse, C Aditya, S Sosa-Carrillo, J Petit, S Gilles, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2199, 2022
Estimating information in time-varying signals
SA Cepeda-Humerez, J Ruess, G Tkačik
PLoS computational biology 15 (9), e1007290, 2019
Moment-based methods for parameter inference and experiment design for stochastic biochemical reaction networks
J Ruess, J Lygeros
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 25 (2), 1-25, 2015
To quarantine, or not to quarantine: A theoretical framework for disease control via contact tracing
D Lunz, G Batt, J Ruess
Epidemics 34, 100428, 2021
Beyond the chemical master equation: Stochastic chemical kinetics coupled with auxiliary processes
D Lunz, G Batt, J Ruess, JF Bonnans
PLoS Computational Biology 17 (7), e1009214, 2021
Bayesian inference for stochastic individual-based models of ecological systems: a pest control simulation study
F Parise, J Lygeros, J Ruess
Frontiers in Environmental Science 3, 42, 2015
Adaptive moment closure for parameter inference of biochemical reaction networks
S Bogomolov, TA Henzinger, A Podelski, J Ruess, C Schilling
Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 13th International Conference …, 2015
Identifying stochastic biochemical networks from single-cell population experiments: A comparison of approaches based on the Fisher information
J Ruess, J Lygeros
52nd IEEE conference on decision and control, 2703-2708, 2013
Using single-cell models to predict the functionality of synthetic circuits at the population scale
C Aditya, F Bertaux, G Batt, J Ruess
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (11), e2114438119, 2022
Adaptive moment closure for parameter inference of biochemical reaction networks
C Schilling, S Bogomolov, TA Henzinger, A Podelski, J Ruess
Biosystems 149, 15-25, 2016
Optimal control of an artificial microbial differentiation system for protein bioproduction
E Weill, V Andreani, C Aditya, P Martinon, J Ruess, G Batt, F Bonnans
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), 2663-2668, 2019
Optimal control of bioproduction in the presence of population heterogeneity
D Lunz, JF Bonnans, J Ruess
Journal of Mathematical Biology 86 (3), 43, 2023
External control of microbial populations for bioproduction: A modeling and optimization viewpoint
F Bertaux, J Ruess, G Batt
Current Opinion in Systems Biology 28, 100394, 2021
MicroMator: Open and flexible software for reactive microscopy
ZR Fox, S Fletcher, A Fraisse, C Aditya, S Sosa-Carrillo, S Gilles, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.03. 12.435206, 2021
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Articles 1–20