Lauri Rautkari
Lauri Rautkari
Associate Professor, Aalto University, Finland
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Thermal modification of wood—A review: Chemical changes and hygroscopicity
C Hill, M Altgen, L Rautkari
Journal of Materials Science 56, 6581-6614, 2021
The water vapour sorption properties of thermally modified and densified wood
CAS Hill, J Ramsay, B Keating, K Laine, L Rautkari, M Hughes, ...
Journal of Materials Science 47, 3191-3197, 2012
Strength and water interactions of cellulose I filaments wet-spun from cellulose nanofibril hydrogels
MJ Lundahl, AG Cunha, E Rojo, AC Papageorgiou, L Rautkari, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 30695, 2016
Wood densification and thermal modification: hardness, set-recovery and micromorphology
K Laine, K Segerholm, M Wålinder, L Rautkari, M Hughes
Wood science and technology 50, 883-894, 2016
What is the role of the accessibility of wood hydroxyl groups in controlling moisture content?
L Rautkari, CAS Hill, S Curling, Z Jalaludin, G Ormondroyd
Journal of Materials Science 48, 6352-6356, 2013
Hardness and density profile of surface densified and thermally modified Scots pine in relation to degree of densification
L Rautkari, K Laine, A Kutnar, S Medved, M Hughes
Journal of Materials Science 48, 2370-2375, 2013
High‐strength composite fibers from cellulose–lignin blends regenerated from ionic liquid solution
Y Ma, S Asaadi, LS Johansson, P Ahvenainen, M Reza, M Alekhina, ...
ChemSusChem 8 (23), 4030-4039, 2015
Properties and set-recovery of surface densified Norway spruce and European beech
L Rautkari, M Properzi, F Pichelin, M Hughes
Wood Science and Technology 44, 679-691, 2010
Reducing the set-recovery of surface densified solid Scots pine wood by hydrothermal post-treatment
L Kristiina, R Lauri, M Hughes, K Andreja
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 71 (1), 17-23, 2013
Surface modification of Scots pine: the effect of process parameters on the through thickness density profile
L Rautkari, K Laine, N Laflin, M Hughes
Journal of materials science 46, 4780-4786, 2011
Role of various nano-particles in prevention of fungal decay, mold growth and termite attack in wood, and their effect on weathering properties and water repellency
E Terzi, SN Kartal, N Yılgör, L Rautkari, T Yoshimura
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 107, 77-87, 2016
Mechanical and physical properties of thermally modified Scots pine wood in high pressure reactor under saturated steam at 120, 150 and 180 C
L Rautkari, J Honkanen, CAS Hill, D Ridley-Ellis, M Hughes
Eur. J. Wood Prod 72 (1), 33-41, 2014
Experimental techniques for characterising water in wood covering the range from dry to fully water-saturated
EE Thybring, M Kymäläinen, L Rautkari
Wood Science and Technology 52, 297-329, 2018
Surface modification of wood using friction
L Rautkari, M Properzi, F Pichelin, M Hughes
Wood science and technology 43, 291-299, 2009
Analysis of dimensional stability of thermally modified wood affected by re-wetting cycles
P Èermák, L Rautkari, P Horáèek, B Saake, P Rademacher, P Sablík
Methods 12 (2), 10.15376, 2015
The effect of process parameters on the hardness of surface densified Scots pine solid wood
L Kristiina, R Lauri, M Hughes
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 71 (1), 13-16, 2013
Hydroxyl accessibility and dimensional changes of Scots pine sapwood affected by alterations in the cell wall ultrastructure during heat-treatment
M Altgen, W Willems, R Hosseinpourpia, L Rautkari
Polymer Degradation and Stability 152, 244-252, 2018
Measuring the thickness swelling and set-recovery of densified and thermally modified Scots pine solid wood
K Laine, T Belt, L Rautkari, J Ramsay, CAS Hill, M Hughes
Journal of Materials Science 48, 8530-8538, 2013
Moisture-related changes in the nanostructure of woods studied with X-ray and neutron scattering
PA Penttilä, M Altgen, N Carl, P van Der Linden, I Morfin, M Österberg, ...
Cellulose 27, 71-87, 2020
Density profile relation to hardness of viscoelastic thermal compressed (VTC) wood composite
L Rautkari, FA Kamke, M Hughes
Wood science and technology 45, 693-705, 2011
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Articles 1–20