Guillermo Navarro-Arribas
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of the bitcoin utxo set
S Delgado-Segura, C Pérez-Sola, G Navarro-Arribas, ...
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2018 International Workshops …, 2019
A fair protocol for data trading based on bitcoin transactions
S Delgado-Segura, C Pérez-Solà, G Navarro-Arribas, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 107, 832-840, 2020
Double-spending prevention for bitcoin zero-confirmation transactions
C Pérez-Solà, S Delgado-Segura, G Navarro-Arribas, ...
International Journal of Information Security 18 (4), 451-463, 2019
On the difficulty of hiding the balance of lightning network channels
J Herrera-Joancomartí, G Navarro-Arribas, A Ranchal-Pedrosa, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM asia conference on computer and communications …, 2019
User k-anonymity for privacy preserving data mining of query logs
G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra, A Erola, J Castellà-Roca
Information Processing & Management 48 (3), 476-487, 2012
Secure integration of distributed medical data using mobile agents
PM Vieira-Marques, S Robles, J Cucurull, RJ Cruz-Correia, G Navarro, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 21 (6), 47-54, 2006
Cryptocurrency networks: A new P2P paradigm
S Delgado-Segura, C Pérez-Solà, J Herrera-Joancomartí, ...
Mobile Information Systems 2018 (1), 2159082, 2018
Information fusion in data privacy: A survey
G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra
Information Fusion 13 (4), 235-244, 2012
Lockdown: Balance availability attack against lightning network channels
C Pérez-Sola, A Ranchal-Pedrosa, J Herrera-Joancomartí, ...
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 24th International Conference, FC …, 2020
On the declassification of confidential documents
D Abril, G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra
Modeling Decision for Artificial Intelligence: 8th International Conference …, 2011
Improving record linkage with supervised learning for disclosure risk assessment
D Abril, G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra
Information Fusion 13 (4), 274-284, 2012
Big data privacy and anonymization
V Torra, G Navarro-Arribas
Privacy and Identity Management. Facing up to Next Steps: 11th IFIP WG 9.2 …, 2016
Towards semantic microaggregation of categorical data for confidential documents
D Abril, G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra
International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence …, 2010
Decentralized publish-subscribe system to prevent coordinated attacks via alert correlation
J Garcia, F Autrel, J Borrell, S Castillo, F Cuppens, G Navarro
Information and Communications Security: 6th International Conference, ICICS …, 2004
Fuzzy role-based access control
C Martínez-García, G Navarro-Arribas, J Borrell
Information processing letters 111 (10), 483-487, 2011
Choquet integral for record linkage
D Abril, G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra
Annals of Operations Research 195, 97-110, 2012
Prevention of cross-site scripting attacks on current web applications
J Garcia-Alfaro, G Navarro-Arribas
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2007
Agent mobility architecture based on IEEE-FIPA standards
J Cucurull, R Martí, G Navarro-Arribas, S Robles, B Overeinder, J Borrell
Computer Communications 32 (4), 712-729, 2009
Promoting the development of secure mobile agent applications
C Garrigues, S Robles, J Borrell, G Navarro-Arribas
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (6), 959-971, 2010
Another coin bites the dust: an analysis of dust in UTXO-based cryptocurrencies
C Pérez-Solà, S Delgado-Segura, G Navarro-Arribas, ...
Royal Society open science 6 (1), 180817, 2019
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Articles 1–20