A new asynchronous parallel global optimization method based on simulated annealing and differential evolution J Olenšek, T Tuma, J Puhan, Á Bűrmen Applied Soft Computing 11 (1), 1481-1489, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
DESA: a new hybrid global optimization method and its application to analog integrated circuit sizing J Olenšek, Á Bűrmen, J Puhan, T Tuma Journal of Global Optimization 44, 53-77, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
Mesh adaptive direct search with second directional derivative-based Hessian update Á Bűrmen, J Olenšek, T Tuma Computational Optimization and Applications 62, 693-715, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Towards smaller populations in differential evolution I Fajfar, T Tuma, J Puhan, J Olenšek, A Bűrmen J Microelectron Electron Compon Mater 42, 152-163, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Analog circuit topology representation for automated synthesis and optimization Ž Rojec, J Olenšek, I Fajfar Informacije MIDEM 48 (1), 29-40, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Automated analog electronic circuits sizing A Qing Wiley-IEEE Press, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
Visual but not verbal working memory interferes with balance in patients after optic neuritis suggestive of multiple sclerosis GB Jakob, T Remšak, J Olenšek, R Perellón-Alfonso, SŠ Jazbec, U Rot Neuroscience Letters 707, 134288, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Meta-optimization of dimension adaptive parameter schema for Nelder–Mead algorithm in high-dimensional problems Ž Rojec, T Tuma, J Olenšek, Á Bűrmen, J Puhan Mathematics 10 (13), 2288, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
A new Optimization Algorithm for the Design of Integrated Circuits J Olensek, A Burmen, J Puhan, T Tuma EUROCON 2007-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool", 674-680, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Randomized Simplicial Hessian Update Á Bűrmen, T Tuma, J Olenšek Mathematics 9 (15), 1775, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Population Ranking Based Differential evolution with Simulated Annealing for Circuit Optimization J Olenšek, Á Bűrmen Informacije MIDEM 46 (2), 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Optimization of integrated circuits by means of simulated annealing J Olenšek, J Puhan, Á Bűrmen, S Tomažič, T Tuma Informacije MIDEM 36, 79-84, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
Praktično poučevanje načrtovanja in programiranja vgrajenih sistemov s pomočjo 6-no znega robota. J Olenšek Electrotechnical Review/Elektrotehniski Vestnik 89, 2022 | | 2022 |
Praktično poučevanje načrtovanja in programiranja vgrajenih sistemov s pomočjo 6-nožnega robota J Olenšek Elektrotehniski Vestnik 89 (1/2), 53-58, 2022 | | 2022 |
Population Ranking Based Differential evolution with Simulated Annealing for Circuit Optimization J Olensek, A Burmen INFORMACIJE MIDEM-JOURNAL OF MICROELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND …, 2016 | | 2016 |
Stohastične metode za globalno optimizacijo analognih integriranih vezij: doktorska disertacija J Olenšek, T Tuma J. Olenšek, 2009 | | 2009 |