lingling fan
lingling fan
JP Morgan Chase
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na stevens.edu - Domača stran
New neural-network-based method to infer total ozone column amounts and cloud effects from multi-channel, moderate bandwidth filter instruments
L Fan, W Li, A Dahlback, JJ Stamnes, S Stamnes, K Stamnes
Optics Express 22 (16), 19595-19609, 2014
Comparisons of three NILU-UV instruments deployed at the same site in the New York area
L Fan, W Li, A Dahlback, JJ Stamnes, S Englehardt, S Stamnes, ...
Applied Optics 53 (17), 3598-3606, 2014
A portable multi-function weight-in-motion (WIM) sensor system based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology
H Zhang, Z Wei, Q Zhao, L Guan, J Zou, L Fan, S Yang, D Song, G Recine, ...
19th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 7004, 725-728, 2008
Long-term comparisons of UV index values derived from a NILU-UV instrument, NWS, and OMI in the New York area
L Fan, W Li, A Dahlback, JJ Stamnes, S Stamnes, K Stamnes
Applied Optics 54 (8), 1945-1951, 2015
High speed, high performance, portable, dual-channel, optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) demodulator
H Zhang, Z Wei, L Fan, P Wang, X Zhao, Z Wang, S Yang, HL Cui
20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 7503, 703-706, 2009
A high speed, portable, multi-function, weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensing system and a high performance optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) demodulator
H Zhang, Z Wei, L Fan, S Yang, P Wang, HL Cui
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2010
Monitoring the gaps between the platform screen doors and the doors of subway train based on optical time domain reflectrometer
H Zhang, Z Wei, P Wang, LL Fan, L Guan, Q Zhao, HL Cui
Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications VII 7677, 291-294, 2010
Implement an adjustable delay time digital trigger for an NI data acquisition card in a high-speed demodulation system
H Zhang, L Fan, P Wang, SW Park
Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications IX 8370, 223-230, 2012
Improvement of the accuracy of the aircraft center of gravity by employing optical fiber Bragg grating technology
H Zhang, P Wang, LL Fan, L Guan, Q Zhao, HL Cui
Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications VII 7677, 295-299, 2010
Implement trigger for a NI data acquisition card PCI 5105 in the measurement studio development environment for a high speed demodulator based on fiber Fabry-Pérot tunable …
H Zhang, S Yang, L Fan, P Wang, X Zhao, Z Wang, HL Cui
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2010 7643, 812-818, 2010
A new automated model validation tool for financial institutions
L Fan, A Schneider, M Joumaa
Journal of Risk Model Validation 17 (3), 2023
Simultaneous retrieval of total ozone column amounts and cloud/aerosol optical depths from multi-channel, moderate bandwidth filter instruments
K Stamnes, L Fan, W Li, A Dahlback, J Stamnes, S Stamnes
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7953, 2015
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