Douadia Bougherara
Douadia Bougherara
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Eco-labelled food products: what are consumers paying for?
D Bougherara, P Combris
European review of agricultural economics 36 (3), 321-341, 2009
Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm?
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, N Mzoughi
Ecological economics 68 (5), 1488-1495, 2009
Structural estimation of farmers’ risk and ambiguity preferences: a field experiment
D Bougherara, X Gassmann, L Piet, A Reynaud
European Review of Agricultural Economics 44 (5), 782-808, 2017
Can labelling policies do more harm than good? An analysis applied to environmental labelling schemes
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, L Thiébaut
European Journal of Law and Economics 19, 5-16, 2005
Potential impact of the EU 2003 CAP reform on land idling decisions of French landowners: Results from a survey of intentions
D Bougherara, L Latruffe
Land Use Policy 27 (4), 1153-1159, 2010
Marchés avec coûts d'information sur la qualité des biens: une application aux produits écolabellisés
D Bougherara, V Piguet
Economie prevision 182 (1), 77-96, 2008
Promoting crop pest control by plant diversification in agricultural landscapes: A conceptual framework for analysing feedback loops between agro-ecological and socio-economic …
A Vialatte, A Tibi, A Alignier, V Angeon, L Bedoussac, DA Bohan, ...
Advances in ecological research 65, 133-165, 2021
Market behavior with environmental quality information costs
D Bougherara, V Piguet
Journal of agricultural & food industrial organization 7 (2), 2009
Is more information always better? An analysis applied to information-based policies for environmental protection
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, N Mzoughi
International Journal of Sustainable Development 10 (3), 197-213, 2007
Farmers' risk preferences in 11 European farming systems: A multi‐country replication of Bocquého et al.(2014)
J Rommel, J Sagebiel, MC Baaken, J Barreiro‐Hurlé, D Bougherara, ...
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45 (3), 1374-1399, 2023
Do farmers prefer increasing, decreasing, or stable payments in Agri-Environmental Schemes?
D Bougherara, M Lapierre, R Préget, A Sauquet
Ecological Economics 183, 106946, 2021
Cooperation and framing effects in provision point mechanisms: Experimental evidence
D Bougherara, L Denant-Boemont, D Masclet
Ecological Economics 70 (6), 1200-1210, 2011
Farmers’ preferences over conservation contract flexibility and duration: an estimation of the effect of transaction costs using choice experiment
D Bougherara, G Ducos
1. Journée de l'ESNIE, 26 p., 2006
Can Williamson’s analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives help regulators choose between environmental policy instruments
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, N Mzoughi
INRA–ENESAD, Working Paper, 2005
L’éco-étiquetage des produits est-il crédible? Proposition d’un cadre d’analyse
D Bougherara, G Grolleau
Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine, 369-390, 2004
Consumer inequality aversion and risk preferences in community supported agriculture
K Bernard, A Bonein, D Bougherara
Ecological Economics 175, 106684, 2020
The ‘make or buy’decision in private environmental transactions
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, N Mzoughi
European Journal of Law and Economics 27, 79-99, 2009
Réputation environnementale en agro-alimentaire:«milieu de production» versus «processus de production»
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, L Thiébaut
Rewe d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 121-144, 2003
Can ecolabeling mitigate market failures? An analysis applied to agro-food products
D Bougherara, G Grolleau, GJ Friedman, DR Friedman
Ecolabels and the Greening of the Food Market, np, 2002
A structural estimation of French farmers' risk preferences: an artefactual field experiment
D Bougherara, X Gassmann, L Piet
auto-saisine, 2011
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Articles 1–20