Kata Gabor
Kata Gabor
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Semeval-2018 task 7: Semantic relation extraction and classification in scientific papers
K Gábor, D Buscaldi, AK Schumann, B Qasemizadeh, H Zargayouna, ...
International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018), 679-688, 2017
Semantic annotation of the acl anthology corpus for the automatic analysis of scientific literature
K Gábor, H Zargayouna, D Buscaldi, I Tellier, T Charnois
LREC 2016, 2016
Exploring vector spaces for semantic relations
K Gábor, H Zargayouna, I Tellier, D Buscaldi, T Charnois
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2017
Acquisition de connaissances lexicales ŕ partir de corpus: la sous-catégorisation verbale en français
K Gábor, C Messiant, T Poibeau
Revue TAL 51 (1), 65--96, 2010
Predikátumok és szabad határozók [Predicates and adjuncts]
K Gábor, E Héja
KB120 - A titkos kötet. Nyelvészeti tanulmányok Bánréti Zoltán és Komlósy …, 2006
A magyar Intex fejlesztéséről (On developing the Hungarian Intex module)
T Váradi, K Gábor
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Hungarian Computational Linguistics …, 2004
Unsupervised relation extraction in specialized corpora using sequence mining
K Gábor, H Zargayouna, I Tellier, D Buscaldi, T Charnois
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV: 15th International Symposium, IDA …, 2016
Technológiai fejlesztések a NOOJ pszichológiai alkalmazásában
V Orsolya, G Kata, L János
VI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia, Szeged, 285-294, 2009
Clustering Hungarian verbs on the basis of complementation patterns
K Gábor, E Héja
Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Student Research Workshop, 91-96, 2007
A Typology of Semantic Relations Dedicated to Scientific Literature Analysis
K Gábor, H Zargayouna, I Tellier, D Buscaldi, T Charnois
LNCS Semantics, Analytics, Visualization: Enhancing Scholarly Data 9792, 26-32, 2016
Détection et correction automatique d'entités nommées dans des corpus OCRisés
K Gábor, B Sagot
Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel 2014, 2014
Linguistic structure, narrative structure and emotional intensity
T Pólya, K Gábor
The Workshop Programme, 20, 2010
Kötőszók korpuszalapú vizsgálata
G Kata, H Enikő, M Ágnes
Alexin Z., Csendes D.(szerk..): A Második Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti …, 2003
Nyílt tokenosztályok reprezentációjának technológiája
K Gábor, E Héja, Á Mészáros, B Sass
IKTA-00037/2002, Budapest, Hungary, 2002
Emergence of syntax needs minimal supervision
R Bailly, K Gábor
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2020
Combining Syntactic and Sequential Patterns for Unsupervised Semantic Relation Extraction
N Lechevrel, K Gábor, I Tellier, T Charnois, H Zargayouna, D Buscaldi
ECML-PKDD 2017 Workshop on Interactions between Data Mining and Natural …, 2017
Détection et classification non supervisées de relations sémantiques dans des articles scientifiques
K Gábor, I Tellier, T Charnois, H Zargayouna, D Buscaldi
JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 2, 2016
Automated Error Detection in Digitized Cultural Heritage Documents
K Gábor, B Sagot
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage …, 2014
Boosting the coverage of a semantic lexicon by automatically extracted event nominalizations
K Gábor, MM Apidianaki, B Sagot, EV de La Clergerie
LREC 2012-Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2012
Syntax and Geometry of Information
R Bailly, L Leblond, K Gabor
61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023
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Articles 1–20