Fabian Rey
Fabian Rey
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel
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Cited by
Early human impact (5000–3000 BC) affects mountain forest dynamics in the Alps
C Schwörer, D Colombaroli, P Kaltenrieder, F Rey, W Tinner
Journal of Ecology 103 (2), 281-295, 2015
Climatic and human impacts on mountain vegetation at Lauenensee (Bernese Alps, Switzerland) during the last 14,000 years
F Rey, C Schwörer, E Gobet, D Colombaroli, JFN van Leeuwen, ...
The Holocene 23 (10), 1415-1427, 2013
Vegetational and agricultural dynamics at Burgäschisee (Swiss Plateau) recorded for 18,700 years by multi-proxy evidence from partly varved sediments
F Rey, E Gobet, JFN van Leeuwen, A Gilli, UJ van Raden, A Hafner, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26, 571-586, 2017
High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change
S Garcés-Pastor, E Coissac, S Lavergne, C Schwörer, JP Theurillat, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6559, 2022
Causes and mechanisms of synchronous succession trajectories in primeval Central European mixed Fagus sylvatica forests
F Rey, E Gobet, C Schwörer, O Wey, A Hafner, W Tinner
Journal of Ecology 107 (3), 1392-1408, 2019
Variations of sedimentary Fe and Mn fractions under changing lake mixing regimes, oxygenation and land surface processes during Late-glacial and Holocene times
S Makri, G Wienhues, M Bigalke, A Gilli, F Rey, W Tinner, H Vogel, ...
Science of the Total Environment 755, 143418, 2021
Climate impacts on vegetation and fire dynamics since the last deglaciation at Moossee (Switzerland)
F Rey, E Gobet, C Schwörer, A Hafner, S Szidat, W Tinner
Climate of the Past, 2020
Early human impact in a 15,000-year high-resolution hyperspectral imaging record of paleoproduction and anoxia from a varved lake in Switzerland
S Makri, F Rey, E Gobet, A Gilli, W Tinner, M Grosjean
Quaternary science reviews 239, 106335, 2020
Radiocarbon wiggle matching on laminated sediments delivers high-precision chronologies
F Rey, E Gobet, S Szidat, AF Lotter, A Gilli, A Hafner, W Tinner
Radiocarbon 61 (1), 265-285, 2019
Summer temperature development 18,000–14,000 cal. BP recorded by a new chironomid record from Burgäschisee, Swiss Plateau
A Bolland, F Rey, E Gobet, W Tinner, O Heiri
Quaternary Science Reviews 243, 106484, 2020
Land use affects carbon sources to the pelagic food web in a small boreal lake
P Rinta, M van Hardenbroek, RI Jones, P Kankaala, F Rey, S Szidat, ...
PLoS One 11 (8), e0159900, 2016
14,500 years of vegetation and land use history in the upper continental montane zone at Lac de Champex (Valais, Switzerland)
F Rey, SO Brugger, E Gobet, R Andenmatten, A Bonini, H Inniger, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 31 (4), 377-393, 2022
Shaping Mediterranean landscapes: The cultural impact of anthropogenic fires in Tyrrhenian southern Tuscany during the Iron and Middle Ages (800–450 BC/AD 650–1300)
MP Buonincontri, P Pieruccini, D Susini, C Lubritto, P Ricci, F Rey, ...
The Holocene 30 (10), 1420-1437, 2020
Human impact leads to unexpected oligotrophication and deepwater oxygen increase in a Swiss mountain lake
N Perret-Gentil, F Rey, E Gobet, W Tinner, O Heiri
The Holocene 34 (2), 189-201, 2024
Radiocarbon sampling efforts for high-precision lake sediment chronologies
F Rey, CJC Mustaphi, S Szidat, E Gobet, O Heiri, W Tinner
The Holocene 33 (5), 581-591, 2023
Method development and application of object detection and classification to Quaternary fossil pollen sequences
R von Allmen, SO Brugger, KD Schleicher, F Rey, E Gobet, CJC Mustaphi, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 327, 108521, 2024
Climate impacts on deglaciation and vegetation dynamics since the Last Glacial Maximum at Moossee (Switzerland)
F Rey, E Gobet, C Schwörer, A Hafner, W Tinner
Climate of the Past Discussions 2019, 1-32, 2019
Archaeological and palaeoecological investigations at Burgäschisee (Swiss Plateau): new interdisciplinary insights in Neolithic settlement, land use and vegetation dynamics
A Hafner, F Rey, M Hostettler, J Laabs, M Bolliger, C Brombacher, ...
Settling Waterscapes in Europe. The Archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age …, 2020
Exploring Eight Millennia of Climatic, Vegetational and Agricultural Dynamics on the Swiss Plateau by Using Annually Layered Sedimentary Time Series
F Rey
Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bern, 2017
Die Vegetationsgeschichte der letzten 14 000 Jahre am Lauenensee
F Rey, C Schwörer, E Gobet, D Colombaroli, JF van Leeuwen, W Tinner, ...
Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern 70, 95-105, 2013
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Articles 1–20