Philippe Vismara
Philippe Vismara
Professor in Computer Science, Montpellier SupAgro, LIRMM - MISTEA
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na supagro.fr
Union of all the minimum cycle bases of a graph
P Vismara
the electronic journal of combinatorics, R9-R9, 1997
Finding maximum common connected subgraphs using clique detection or constraint satisfaction algorithms
P Vismara, B Valery
International Conference on Modelling, Computation and Optimization in …, 2008
Reconnaissance et représentation d'éléments structuraux pour la description d'objets complexes: application à l'élaboration de stratégies de synthèse en chimie organique
P Vismara
Montpellier 2, 1995
Efficient retrieval and ranking of undesired package cycles in large software systems
JR Falleri, S Denier, J Laval, P Vismara, S Ducasse
Objects, Models, Components, Patterns: 49th International Conference, TOOLS …, 2011
Q-intersection algorithms for constraint-based robust parameter estimation
C Carbonnel, G Trombettoni, P Vismara, G Chabert
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Combining target sampling with within field route-optimization to optimise on field yield estimation in viticulture
B Oger, P Vismara, B Tisseyre
Precision Agriculture 22 (2), 432-451, 2021
Constrained optimization of landscape indices in conservation planning to support ecological restoration in New Caledonia
D Justeau‐Allaire, G Vieilledent, N Rinck, P Vismara, X Lorca, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (4), 744-754, 2021
Constrained global optimization for wine blending
P Vismara, R Coletta, G Trombettoni
Constraints 21 (4), 597-615, 2016
Integration of operational constraints to optimize differential harvest in viticulture
N Briot, C Bessiere, B Tisseyre, P Vismara
Precision agriculture'15, 487-494, 2015
Graph-mining algorithm for the evaluation of bond formability
F Pennerath, G Niel, P Vismara, P Jauffret, C Laurenço, A Napoli
Journal of chemical information and modeling 50 (2), 221-239, 2010
An abstract representation for molecular graphs.
P Vismara, C Laurenço
Discrete Mathematical Chemistry, 343-366, 1998
RESYN—Un systeme d’aidea la conception de plans de synthese en chimie organique
P Vismara, JC Régin, J Quinqueton, M Py, C Laurenço, L Lapied
Actes des 12es Journeés Internationales Intelligence Artificielle, Systemes …, 1992
Efficient retrieval and ranking of undesired package cycles in large software systems
J Laval, JR Falleri, P Vismara, S Ducasse
The Journal of Object Technology 11 (1), N/A, 2012
A constraint-based approach to the differential harvest problem
N Briot, C Bessiere, P Vismara
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2015
Is the optimal strategy to decide on sampling route always the same from field to field using the same sampling method to estimate yield?
B Oger, C Laurent, P Vismara, B Tisseyre
OENO One 55 (1), 133-144, 2021
Systematic Conservation Planning for Sustainable Land-use Policies: A Constrained Partitioning Approach to Reserve Selection and Design.
D Justeau-Allaire, P Vismara, P Birnbaum, X Lorca
IJCAI 2019-28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2019
restoptr: an R package for ecological restoration planning
D Justeau‐Allaire, JO Hanson, G Lannuzel, P Vismara, X Lorca, ...
Restoration Ecology 31 (5), e13910, 2023
Constrained wine blending
P Vismara, R Coletta, G Trombettoni
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: 19th International …, 2013
Programmation par contraintes pour les problemes de plus grand sous-graphe commun
P Vismara
JFPC 11, 327-335, 2011
Resyn: objets, classification et raisonnement distribué en chimie organique
P Vismara, P Jambaud, C Laurenço, J Quinqueton
R. Ducournau, J. Euzenat et A. Napoli, éds: Langagesa objets: état et …, 1997
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