Apaar Sadhwani
Apaar Sadhwani
Google Brain, Google Health, Stanford University
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Cited by
Deep learning for mortgage risk
A Sadhwani, K Giesecke, J Sirignano
Journal of Financial Econometrics 19 (2), 313-368, 2021
Deep learning-based survival prediction for multiple cancer types using histopathology images
E Wulczyn, DF Steiner, Z Xu, A Sadhwani, H Wang, I Flament-Auvigne, ...
PloS one 15 (6), e0233678, 2020
Interpretable survival prediction for colorectal cancer using deep learning
E Wulczyn, DF Steiner, M Moran, M Plass, R Reihs, F Tan, ...
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 71, 2021
Comparative analysis of machine learning approaches to classify tumor mutation burden in lung adenocarcinoma using histopathology images
A Sadhwani, HW Chang, A Behrooz, T Brown, I Auvigne-Flament, H Patel, ...
Nature Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-11, 2021
Online learning under adversarial corruptions
P Awasthi, S Gollapudi, K Kollias, A Sadhwani
A machine learning-based approach for the inference of immunotherapy biomarker status in lung adenocarcinoma from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) histopathology images.
C Batenchuk, HW Chang, P Cimermancic, ES Yi, A Sadhwani, V Velez, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (15), 3122-3122, 2020
Deep learning for mortgage risk. arXiv
J Sirignano, A Sadhwani, K Giesecke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.02470, 2016
Systems And Methods For Directly Predicting Cancer Patient Survival Based On Histopathology Images
N Hegde, Y Liu, C Mermel, DF Steiner, E Wulczyn, PC Chen, M Stumpe, ...
US Patent App. 18/000,359, 2023
A deep learning system to predict disease-specific survival in stage II and stage III colorectal cancer
E Wulczyn, DF Steiner, M Moran, M Plass, R Reihs, H Mueller, ...
Cancer Research 80 (16), 2096-2096, 2020
Nonlinear Extensions of Reconstruction ICA
A Sadhwani, A Gupta
Fleet2D: A fast and light simulator for home robotics
A Sadhwani, H Badiozamani, T Agarwal, S Marthandam, A Atrash, J Zhu, ...
IEEE Robotic Computing 2023, 2023
Research areas
A Padmakumar, J Thomason, A Shrivastava, P Lange, A Narayan-Chen, ...
Benchmarking, 2023
Applications of Operations Research in Finance and Healthcare
A Sadhwani
PhD thesis, Stanford University, 2018
Automatic Grading of Eye Diseases using Deep Learning (Spotlight)
A Sadhwani, L Tam, J Su
GTC Silicon Valley 2016, S6516, 2016
Analyzing Personalized Policies for Online Biometric Verification
A Sadhwani, Y Yang, LM Wein
PLoS One 9 (5), e94087, 2014
Optimization of Market Portfolios (Best Thesis Award)
A Sadhwani, S Kumar, R Pandey
Undergraduate thesis, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, 2008
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Articles 1–16