Zacharoula Smyrnaiou
Zacharoula Smyrnaiou
Professor in Contemporary Learning Theories and Science Education, NKUA
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Cited by
Promoting a mixed-design model of scientific creativity through digital storytelling—the CCQ model for creativity
Z Smyrnaiou, E Georgakopoulou, S Sotiriou
International Journal of STEM Education 7, 2020
Using physical and virtual manipulatives to improve primary school students’ understanding of concepts of electric circuits
ZC Zacharia, M Michael
New developments in science and technology education, 125-140, 2016
Exploring rules and underlying concepts while engaged with collaborative full-body games
C Kynigos, Z Smyrnaiou, M Roussou
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2010
Connecting Embodied Learning in educational practice to the realisation of science educational scenarios through performing arts
Z Smyrnaiou, M Sotiriou, E Georgakopoulou, Ο Papadopoulou
Inspiring Science Education, 37-45, 2016
Students Constructionist Game Modelling Activities as Part of Inquiry Learning Processes
Z Smyrnaiou, M Foteini, C Kynigos
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 10 (2), pp235‑248-pp235‑248, 2012
Applying argumentation approach in STEM education: A case study of the European student parliaments project in Greece
Z Smyrnaiou, E Petropoulou, M Sotiriou
American Journal of Educational Research 3 (12), 1618-1628, 2015
Évaluation cognitive d’un logiciel de modélisation auprès d’élèves de collège
Didaskalia, 2005
CREAT-IT: Implementing creative strategies into science teaching
A Craft, OB Horin, M Sotiriou, P Stergiopoulos, S Sotiriou, S Hennessy, ...
New developments in science and technology education, 163-179, 2016
Cognitive evaluation of a technology-based learning environment for scientific education
Z Smyrnaiou, A Weil-Barais
Teaching and learning, 2003
Multi-Semiotic systems in STEMS: Embodied Learning and Analogical Reasoning through a Grounded-Theory approach in theatrical performances
Z Smyrnaiou, M Sotiriou, S Sotiriou, E Georgakopoulou
Journal of Research in STEM Education (submitted), 2017
Interactive movement and talk in generating meanings from science
Z Smyrnaiou, C Kynigos
Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology 14 (4), 17, 2012
The learning science through theatre initiative in the context of responsible research and innovation
Z Smyrnaiou, E Georgakopoulou, M Sotiriou, S Sotiriou
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 15 (5), 14-22, 2017
Inquiry Based Learning and Meaning Generation through Modelling on Geometrical Optics in a Constructionist Environment.
C Kotsari, Z Smyrnaiou
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 5 (1), 14-27, 2017
New developments in science and technology education
M Riopel, Z Smyrnaiou
Springer, 2016
Empowering teachers in challenging times for science and environmental education: Uses for scenarios and microworlds as boundary objects
C Kynigos, M Daskolia, Z Smyrnaiou
Contemporary Issues in Education 3 (1), 41-65, 2013
Factors related to students’ interest in science learning
K Dimopoulos, Z Smyrnaiou
Science education at cross roads: Meeting the challenges of the 21st century …, 2005
Ιnquiry learning using a technology-based learning environment
Z Smyrnaiou, A Dimitracopoulou
Computer based learning in sciences. Proceedings of 8th international …, 2007
From Game to Guidance: The Innovative Evaluation Approach of the P4G Simulation Business Game
VZ Z. Smyrnaiou, E. Petropoulou, S. Menon
MCSI IEEE, 148 - 154, 2017
Ethical use of artificial intelligence and new technologies in education 5.0
Z Smyrnaiou, A Liapakis, A Bougia
J Artif Intell Mach Learn & Data Sci 1 (4), 119-124, 2023
Interweaving meaning generation in science with learning to learn together processes using Web 2.0 tools
Z Smyrnaiou, F Moustaki, N Yiannoutsou, C Kynigos
Themes in Science and Technology Education 5 (1-2), 27-44, 2013
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Articles 1–20