Nicholas Youngblut
Nicholas Youngblut
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
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Cited by
Large-scale replicated field study of maize rhizosphere identifies heritable microbes
WA Walters, Z Jin, N Youngblut, JG Wallace, J Sutter, W Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (28), 7368-7373, 2018
Host diet and evolutionary history explain different aspects of gut microbiome diversity among vertebrate clades
ND Youngblut, GH Reischer, W Walters, N Schuster, C Walzer, G Stalder, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-15, 2019
Lake microbial communities are resilient after a whole-ecosystem disturbance
A Shade, JS Read, ND Youngblut, N Fierer, R Knight, TK Kratz, NR Lottig, ...
The ISME journal 6 (12), 2153-2167, 2012
Virome diversity correlates with intestinal microbiome diversity in adult monozygotic twins
JL Moreno-Gallego, SP Chou, SC Di Rienzi, JK Goodrich, TD Spector, ...
Cell host & microbe 25 (2), 261-272. e5, 2019
Human salivary amylase gene copy number impacts oral and gut microbiomes
AC Poole, JK Goodrich, ND Youngblut, GG Luque, A Ruaud, JL Sutter, ...
Cell host & microbe 25 (4), 553-564. e7, 2019
Codiversification of gut microbiota with humans
TA Suzuki, JL Fitzstevens, VT Schmidt, H Enav, KE Huus, ...
Science 377 (6612), 1328-1332, 2022
Soil characteristics and land-use drive bacterial community assembly patterns
SE Barnett, ND Youngblut, DH Buckley
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96 (1), fiz194, 2020
Syntrophy via Interspecies H2 Transfer between Christensenella and Methanobrevibacter Underlies Their Global Cooccurrence in the Human Gut
A Ruaud, S Esquivel-Elizondo, J de la Cuesta-Zuluaga, JL Waters, ...
MBio 11 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 03235-19, 2020
Millimeter-scale patterns of phylogenetic and trait diversity in a salt marsh microbial mat
DW Armitage, KL Gallagher, ND Youngblut, DH Buckley, SH Zinder
Frontiers in Microbiology 3, 293, 2012
Large-scale metagenome assembly reveals novel animal-associated microbial genomes, biosynthetic gene clusters, and other genetic diversity
ND Youngblut, J De la Cuesta-Zuluaga, GH Reischer, S Dauser, ...
Msystems 5 (6), 10.1128/msystems. 01045-20, 2020
Plant phylogeny and life history shape rhizosphere bacterial microbiome of summer annuals in an agricultural field
BD Emmett, ND Youngblut, DH Buckley, LE Drinkwater
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 2414, 2017
Multisubstrate DNA stable isotope probing reveals guild structure of bacteria that mediate soil carbon cycling
SE Barnett, ND Youngblut, CN Koechli, DH Buckley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (47), e2115292118, 2021
HTSSIP: an R package for analysis of high throughput sequencing data from nucleic acid stable isotope probing (SIP) experiments
ND Youngblut, SE Barnett, DH Buckley
PLoS One 13 (1), e0189616, 2018
Silent recognition of flagellins from human gut commensal bacteria by Toll-like receptor 5
SJ Clasen, MEW Bell, A Borbón, DH Lee, ZM Henseler, ...
Science immunology 8 (79), eabq7001, 2023
SIPSim: a modeling toolkit to predict accuracy and aid design of DNA-SIP experiments
ND Youngblut, SE Barnett, DH Buckley
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 570, 2018
Vertebrate host phylogeny influences gut archaeal diversity
ND Youngblut, GH Reischer, S Dauser, S Maisch, C Walzer, G Stalder, ...
Nature microbiology 6 (11), 1443-1454, 2021
Genomic and phenotypic differentiation among Methanosarcina mazei populations from Columbia River sediment
ND Youngblut, JS Wirth, JR Henriksen, M Smith, H Simon, WW Metcalf, ...
The ISME journal 9 (10), 2191-2205, 2015
Struo2: efficient metagenome profiling database construction for ever-expanding microbial genome datasets
ND Youngblut, RE Ley
PeerJ 9, e12198, 2021
DeepMAsED: evaluating the quality of metagenomic assemblies
O Mineeva, M Rojas-Carulla, RE Ley, B Schölkopf, ND Youngblut
Bioinformatics 36 (10), 3011-3017, 2020
Intra‐genomic variation in G+ C content and its implications for DNA stable isotope probing
ND Youngblut, DH Buckley
Environmental microbiology reports 6 (6), 767-775, 2014
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Articles 1–20