Simone Sterlacchini
Simone Sterlacchini
Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the National Research Council of Italy
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Landslide susceptibility assessment by bivariate methods at large scales: application to a complex mountainous environment
Y Thiery, JP Malet, S Sterlacchini, A Puissant, O Maquaire
Geomorphology 92 (1-2), 38-59, 2007
Support vector machines for landslide susceptibility mapping: the Staffora River Basin case study, Italy
C Ballabio, S Sterlacchini
Mathematical geosciences 44, 47-70, 2012
The application of numerical debris flow modelling for the generation of physical vulnerability curves
B Quan Luna, J Blahut, CJ Van Westen, S Sterlacchini, TWJ Van Asch, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 11 (7), 2047-2060, 2011
Analysis of landslide inventories for accurate prediction of debris-flow source areas
J Blahut, CJ Van Westen, S Sterlacchini
Geomorphology 119 (1-2), 36-51, 2010
Different landslide sampling strategies in a grid-based bi-variate statistical susceptibility model
HY Hussin, V Zumpano, P Reichenbach, S Sterlacchini, M Micu, ...
Geomorphology 253, 508-523, 2016
3D reconstruction of complex geological bodies: Examples from the Alps
A Zanchi, S Francesca, Z Stefano, S Simone, G Graziano
Computers & Geosciences 35 (1), 49-69, 2009
Spatial agreement of predicted patterns in landslide susceptibility maps
S Sterlacchini, C Ballabio, J Blahut, M Masetti, A Sorichetta
Geomorphology 125 (1), 51-61, 2011
Debris flow hazard modelling on medium scale: Valtellina di Tirano, Italy
J Blahut, P Horton, S Sterlacchini, M Jaboyedoff
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (11), 2379-2390, 2010
Landslide representation strategies in susceptibility studies using weights-of-evidence modeling technique
S Poli, S Sterlacchini
Natural Resources Research 16, 121-134, 2007
Spatial and statistical assessment of factors influencing nitrate contamination in groundwater
M Masetti, S Poli, S Sterlacchini, GP Beretta, A Facchi
Journal of environmental management 86 (1), 272-281, 2008
Critical assessment of existing physical vulnerability estimation approaches for debris flows
SO Akbas, J Blahut, S Sterlacchini
Landslide processes: from geomorphological mapping to dynamic modelling …, 2009
Landslide risk analysis: a multi-disciplinary methodological approach
S Sterlacchini, S Frigerio, P Giacomelli, M Brambilla
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 7 (6), 657-675, 2007
The use of the weights-of-evidence modeling technique to estimate the vulnerability of groundwater to nitrate contamination
M Masetti, S Poli, S Sterlacchini
Natural Resources Research 16, 109-119, 2007
Influence of threshold value in the use of statistical methods for groundwater vulnerability assessment
M Masetti, S Sterlacchini, C Ballabio, A Sorichetta, S Poli
Science of the total environment 407 (12), 3836-3846, 2009
Land use and land cover (LULC) of the Republic of the Maldives: first national map and LULC change analysis using remote-sensing data
L Fallati, A Savini, S Sterlacchini, P Galli
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189 (8), 417, 2017
A GIS-based approach for hurricane hazard and vulnerability assessment in the Cayman Islands
A Taramelli, E Valentini, S Sterlacchini
Ocean & Coastal Management 108, 116-130, 2015
Reliability of groundwater vulnerability maps obtained through statistical methods
A Sorichetta, M Masetti, C Ballabio, S Sterlacchini, GP Beretta
Journal of environmental management 92 (4), 1215-1224, 2011
Physically based dynamic run-out modelling for quantitative debris flow risk assessment: a case study in Tresenda, northern Italy
B Quan Luna, J Blahut, C Camera, C van Westen, T Apuani, V Jetten, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 645-661, 2014
A spatial data infrastructure integrating multisource heterogeneous geospatial data and time series: A study case in agriculture
G Bordogna, T Kliment, L Frigerio, PA Brivio, A Crema, D Stroppiana, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (5), 73, 2016
Choosing between linear and nonlinear models and avoiding overfitting for short and long term groundwater level forecasting in a linear system
C Zanotti, M Rotiroti, S Sterlacchini, G Cappellini, L Fumagalli, ...
Journal of Hydrology 578, 124015, 2019
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Articles 1–20