Alessandra De Benedictis
Alessandra De Benedictis
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Cited by
A novel Security-by-Design methodology: Modeling and assessing security by SLAs with a quantitative approach
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, U Villano
Journal of Systems and Software 163, 110537, 2020
Toward the automation of threat modeling and risk assessment in IoT systems
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, U Villano
Internet of Things 7, 100056, 2019
A moving target defense approach for protecting resource-constrained distributed devices
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Albanese
2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2013
A PUF-based mutual authentication scheme for cloud-edges IoT systems
M Barbareschi, A De Benedictis, E La Montagna, A Mazzeo, N Mazzocca
Future Generation Computer Systems 101, 246-261, 2019
Automatically enforcing security slas in the cloud
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Eraşcu, J Modic, M Rak
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (5), 741-755, 2016
Digital twins in healthcare: an architectural proposal and its application in a social distancing case study
A De Benedictis, N Mazzocca, A Somma, C Strigaro
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27 (10), 5143-5154, 2022
A moving target defense mechanism for manets based on identity virtualization
M Albanese, A De Benedictis, S Jajodia, K Sun
2013 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 278-286, 2013
A PUF-based hardware mutual authentication protocol
M Barbareschi, A De Benedictis, N Mazzocca
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 119, 107-120, 2018
A security monitoring system for internet of things
V Casola, A De Benedictis, A Riccio, D Rivera, W Mallouli, EM de Oca
Internet of Things 7, 100080, 2019
Security-by-design in clouds: a security-SLA driven methodology to build secure cloud applications
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, E Rios
Procedia Computer Science 97, 53-62, 2016
Towards automated penetration testing for cloud applications
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, U Villano
2018 IEEE 27th International Conference on Enabling Technologies …, 2018
Security monitoring in the cloud: an SLA-based approach
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak
2015 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security …, 2015
Security-by-design in multi-cloud applications: An optimization approach
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, U Villano
Information Sciences 454, 344-362, 2018
A multi-layer moving target defense approach for protecting resource-constrained distributed devices
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Albanese
Integration of Reusable Systems, 299-324, 2014
SLA-based secure cloud application development: The SPECS framework
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, U Villano
2015 17th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2015
Preliminary Design of a Platform-as-a-Service to Provide Security in Cloud.
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak, U Villano
Closer, 752-757, 2014
Analysis and comparison of security protocols in wireless sensor networks
V Casola, A De Benedictis, A Drago, N Mazzocca
2011 IEEE 30th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops, 52-56, 2011
Rest-based SLA management for cloud applications
A De Benedictis, M Rak, M Turtur, U Villano
2015 IEEE 24th International Conference on Enabling Technologies …, 2015
On the adoption of security SLAs in the cloud
V Casola, A De Benedictis, M Rak
Accountability and Security in the Cloud: First Summer School, Cloud …, 2015
On the adoption of physically unclonable functions to secure iiot devices
M Barbareschi, V Casola, A De Benedictis, E La Montagna, N Mazzocca
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (11), 7781-7790, 2021
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Articles 1–20