Giovanni Monegato
Giovanni Monegato
Researcher, Istitute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, CNR
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Carta Geologica e Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1: 50.000. Foglio 066-Udine
A Zanferrari, R Avigliano, G Monegato, G Paiero, ME Poli
APAT-Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo-Servizio geologico d'Italia, 2008
Evidence of a two-fold glacial advance during the last glacial maximum in the Tagliamento end moraine system (eastern Alps)
G Monegato, C Ravazzi, M Donegana, R Pini, G Calderoni, L Wick
Quaternary Research 68 (2), 284-302, 2007
The Alpine LGM in the boreal ice-sheets game
G Monegato, G Scardia, I Hajdas, F Rizzini, A Piccin
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2078, 2017
Geology of Piemonte region (NW Italy, Alps–Apennines interference zone)
F Piana, G Fioraso, A Irace, P Mosca, A D’atri, L Barale, P Falletti, ...
Journal of Maps 13 (2), 395-405, 2017
Vegetation turnover in a braided river: frequency and effectiveness of floods of different magnitude
N Surian, M Barban, L Ziliani, G Monegato, W Bertoldi, F Comiti
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (4), 542-558, 2015
An overview of Alpine and Mediterranean palaeogeography, terrestrial ecosystems and climate history during MIS 3 with focus on the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition
F Badino, R Pini, C Ravazzi, D Margaritora, S Arrighi, E Bortolini, C Figus, ...
Quaternary International 551, 7-28, 2020
Hunter-gatherers across the great Adriatic-Po region during the Last Glacial Maximum: Environmental and cultural dynamics
M Peresani, G Monegato, C Ravazzi, S Bertola, D Margaritora, M Breda, ...
Quaternary International 581, 128-163, 2021
Stratigraphy of the Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre (NW Italy): an updated synthesis
F Gianotti, MG Forno, S Ivy-Ochs, G Monegato, R Pini, C Ravazzi
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 28, 29-58, 2015
Carta geologica del Friuli Venezia Giulia
GB Carulli, F Podda, C Venturini, A Zanferrari, F Cucchi, G Monegato, ...
Scala 1 (150), 000, 2006
Evolution of an Alpine fluvioglacial system at the LGM decay: the Cormor megafan (NE Italy)
A Fontana, G Monegato, E Zavagno, S Devoto, I Burla, F Cucchi
Geomorphology, 2014
Geological map and explanatory notes of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1: 50.000: Sheet 049 “Gemona del Friuli”
A Zanferrari, D Masetti, G Monegato, ME Poli
ISPRA—Servizio Geologico d’Italia—Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia 262, 2013
Correlating Alpine glaciation with Adriatic sea‐level changes through lake and alluvial stratigraphy
G Monegato, R Pini, C Ravazzi, PJ Reimer, L Wick
Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (8), 791-804, 2011
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1: 50000-Foglio 086" San Vito al Tagliamento"
A Zanferrari, R Avigliano, A Fontana, G Paiero
Graphic Linea, 2008
New geomorphological and chronological constraints for glacial deposits in the Rivoli‐Avigliana end‐moraine system and the lower Susa Valley (Western Alps, NW Italy)
S Ivy‐Ochs, S Lucchesi, P Baggio, G Fioraso, F Gianotti, G Monegato, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 33 (5), 550-562, 2018
Sedimentary evolution and persistence of open forests between the south-eastern Alpine fringe and the Northern Dinarides during the Last Glacial Maximum
G Monegato, C Ravazzi, M Culiberg, R Pini, M Bavec, G Calderoni, J Je¾, ...
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 436, 23-40, 2015
Evolution of a karst polje influenced by glaciation: the Gomance piedmont polje (northern Dinaric Alps)
M ®ebre, U Stepi¹nik, RR Colucci, E Forte, G Monegato
Geomorphology 257, 143-154, 2016
Evaluation of preparation methods in radiocarbon dating of old wood
I Hajdas, L Hendriks, A Fontana, G Monegato
Radiocarbon 59 (3), 727-737, 2017
The Ticino-Toce glacier system (Swiss-Italian Alps) in the framework of the Alpine Last Glacial Maximum
S Kamleitner, S Ivy-Ochs, G Monegato, F Gianotti, N Akçar, ...
Quaternary science reviews 279, 107400, 2022
Evidence for late Alpine tectonics in the Lake Garda area (northern Italy) and seismogenic implications
G Scardia, A Festa, G Monegato, R Pini, S Rogledi, F Tremolada, ...
Bulletin 127 (1-2), 113-130, 2015
Late Quaternary glaciations and connections to the piedmont plain in the prealpine environment: the middle and lower Astico Valley (NE Italy)
S Rossato, G Monegato, P Mozzi, M Cucato, B Gaudioso, A Miola
Quaternary International 288, 8-24, 2013
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Articles 1–20