Jiazhi Xia
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of visual analytics techniques for machine learning
J Yuan, C Chen, W Yang, M Liu, J Xia, S Liu
Computational Visual Media 7, 3-36, 2021
Evaluating multi-dimensional visualizations for understanding fuzzy clusters
Y Zhao, F Luo, M Chen, Y Wang, J Xia, F Zhou, Y Wang, Y Chen, W Chen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 12-21, 2018
Preserving minority structures in graph sampling
Y Zhao, H Jiang, Y Qin, H Xie, Y Wu, S Liu, Z Zhou, J Xia, F Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 1698-1708, 2020
Interactive correction of mislabeled training data
S Xiang, X Ye, J Xia, J Wu, Y Chen, S Liu
2019 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 57-68, 2019
Unsupervised co-segmentation for 3D shapes using iterative multi-label optimization
M Meng, J Xia, J Luo, Y He
Computer-Aided Design 45 (2), 312-320, 2013
LDSScanner: Exploratory analysis of low-dimensional structures in high-dimensional datasets
J Xia, F Ye, W Chen, Y Wang, W Chen, Y Ma, AKH Tung
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (1), 236-245, 2017
Editable polycube map for gpu-based subdivision surfaces
J Xia, I Garcia, Y He, SQ Xin, G Patow
Symposium on interactive 3D graphics and games, 151-158, 2011
Revisiting dimensionality reduction techniques for visual cluster analysis: An empirical study
J Xia, Y Zhang, J Song, Y Chen, Y Wang, S Liu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (1), 529-539, 2021
Location2vec: a situation-aware representation for visual exploration of urban locations
M Zhu, W Chen, J Xia, Y Ma, Y Zhang, Y Luo, Z Huang, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (10), 3981-3990, 2019
Direct-product volumetric parameterization of handlebodies via harmonic fields
J Xia, Y He, X Yin, S Han, X Gu
2010 Shape Modeling International Conference, 3-12, 2010
Structure-based suggestive exploration: a new approach for effective exploration of large networks
W Chen, F Guo, D Han, J Pan, X Nie, J Xia, X Zhang
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 555-565, 2018
Evaluation of sampling methods for scatterplots
J Yuan, S Xiang, J Xia, L Yu, S Liu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 1720-1730, 2020
ConceptExplorer: Visual analysis of concept drifts in multi-source time-series data
X Wang, W Chen, J Xia, Z Chen, D Xu, X Wu, M Xu, T Schreck
2020 IEEE conference on visual analytics science and technology (VAST), 1-11, 2020
Real-time shape illustration using laplacian lines
L Zhang, Y He, J Xia, X Xie, W Chen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 (7), 993-1006, 2010
Revisiting the modifiable areal unit problem in deep traffic prediction with visual analytics
W Zeng, C Lin, J Lin, J Jiang, J Xia, C Turkay, W Chen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 839-848, 2020
Hexahedral shell mesh construction via volumetric polycube map
S Han, J Xia, Y He
Proceedings of the 14th ACM symposium on solid and physical modeling, 127-136, 2010
Parameterization of star-shaped volumes using Green’s functions
J Xia, Y He, S Han, CW Fu, F Luo, X Gu
Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing: 6th International Conference …, 2010
HetVis: A visual analysis approach for identifying data heterogeneity in horizontal federated learning
X Wang, W Chen, J Xia, Z Wen, R Zhu, T Schreck
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (1), 310-319, 2022
Interactive visual cluster analysis by contrastive dimensionality reduction
J Xia, L Huang, W Lin, X Zhao, J Wu, Y Chen, Y Zhao, W Chen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (1), 734-744, 2022
Eod edge sampling for visualizing dynamic network via massive sequence view
Y Zhao, Y She, W Chen, Y Lu, J Xia, W Chen, J Liu, F Zhou
IEEE Access 6, 53006-53018, 2018
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