Prof. Anthony Dosseto
Prof. Anthony Dosseto
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong
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Cited by
Amphibole “sponge” in arc crust?
J Davidson, S Turner, H Handley, C Macpherson, A Dosseto
Geology 35 (9), 787-790, 2007
Pleistocene cave art from Sulawesi, Indonesia
M Aubert, A Brumm, M Ramli, T Sutikna, EW Saptomo, B Hakim, ...
Nature 514 (7521), 223-227, 2014
The age of Homo naledi and associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa
PHGM Dirks, EM Roberts, H Hilbert-Wolf, JD Kramers, J Hawks, ...
Elife 6, e24231, 2017
Revised stratigraphy and chronology for Homo floresiensis at Liang Bua in Indonesia
T Sutikna, MW Tocheri, MJ Morwood, EW Saptomo, Jatmiko, RD Awe, ...
Nature 532 (7599), 366-369, 2016
Riverine Li isotope fractionation in the Amazon River basin controlled by the weathering regimes
M Dellinger, J Gaillardet, J Bouchez, D Calmels, P Louvat, A Dosseto, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 164, 71-93, 2015
Geophysical constraints on deep weathering and water storage potential in the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory
WS Holbrook, CS Riebe, M Elwaseif, J L. Hayes, K Basler‐Reeder, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39 (3), 366-380, 2014
An inter‐laboratory assessment of the thorium isotopic composition of synthetic and rock reference materials
KWW Sims, JB Gill, A Dosseto, DL Hoffmann, CC Lundstrom, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 32 (1), 65-91, 2008
Continuous adsorption and biotransformation of micropollutants by granular activated carbon-bound laccase in a packed-bed enzyme reactor
LN Nguyen, FI Hai, A Dosseto, C Richardson, WE Price, LD Nghiem
Bioresource Technology 210, 108-116, 2016
Time scale and conditions of weathering under tropical climate: Study of the Amazon basin with U-series
A Dosseto, B Bourdon, J Gaillardet, CJ Allègre, N Filizola
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (1), 71-89, 2006
Uranium-series isotopes in river materials: Insights into the timescales of erosion and sediment transport
A Dosseto, B Bourdon, SP Turner
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 265 (1-2), 1-17, 2008
Climatic records over the past 30 ka from temperate Australia–a synthesis from the Oz-INTIMATE workgroup
L Petherick, H Bostock, TJ Cohen, K Fitzsimmons, J Tibby, MS Fletcher, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 58-77, 2013
The evolution of weathering profiles through time: new insights from uranium-series isotopes
A Dosseto, SP Turner, J Chappell
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 274 (3-4), 359-371, 2008
A global environmental crisis 42,000 years ago
A Cooper, CSM Turney, J Palmer, A Hogg, M McGlone, J Wilmshurst, ...
Science 371 (6531), 811-818, 2021
Weathering and transport of sediments in the Bolivian Andes: Time constraints from uranium-series isotopes
A Dosseto, B Bourdon, J Gaillardet, L Maurice-Bourgoin, CJ Allegre
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 248 (3-4), 759-771, 2006
Rapid regolith formation over volcanic bedrock and implications for landscape evolution
A Dosseto, HL Buss, PO Suresh
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 337, 47-55, 2012
Climatic and vegetation control on sediment dynamics during the last glacial cycle
A Dosseto, PP Hesse, K Maher, K Fryirs, S Turner
Geology 38 (5), 395-398, 2010
Regolith formation rate from U-series nuclides: Implications from the study of a spheroidal weathering profile in the Rio Icacos watershed (Puerto Rico)
F Chabaux, E Blaes, P Stille, R di Chiara Roupert, E Pelt, A Dosseto, L Ma, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 100, 73-95, 2013
U-series disequilibria in suspended river sediments and implication for sediment transfer time in alluvial plains: the case of the Himalayan rivers
M Granet, F Chabaux, P Stille, A Dosseto, C France-Lanord, E Blaes
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (10), 2851-2865, 2010
U-Th-Pa-Ra study of the Kamchatka arc: New constraints on the genesis of arc lavas
A Dosseto, B Bourdon, JL Joron, B Dupré
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (15), 2857-2877, 2003
Uranium-series isotopes in colloids and suspended sediments: timescale for sediment production and transport in the Murray–Darling River system
A Dosseto, SP Turner, GB Douglas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246 (3-4), 418-431, 2006
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Articles 1–20