Jorge Sastré Hernández
Jorge Sastré Hernández
Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas
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Cited by
CdTe solar cell degradation studies with the use of CdS as the window material
R Mendoza-Pérez, J Sastre-Hernández, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (1), 79-84, 2009
Effects of thiourea concentration on CdS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition for CdTe solar cells
R Mendoza-Pérez, G Santana-Rodríguez, J Sastre-Hernández, ...
Thin Solid Films 480, 173-176, 2005
Chemically deposited CdS by an ammonia-free process for solar cells window layers
R Ochoa-Landín, J Sastre-Hernández, O Vigil-Galan, R Ramírez-Bon
Solar Energy 84 (2), 208-214, 2010
Characterization of CBD–CdS layers with different S/Cd ratios in the chemical bath and their relation with the efficiency of CdS/CdTe solar cells
O Vigil-Galán, A Morales-Acevedo, F Cruz-Gandarilla, ...
Thin Solid Films 515 (15), 6085-6088, 2007
Photoluminescence characteristics of CdS layers deposited in a chemical bath and their correlation to CdS/CdTe solar cell performance
R Mendoza-Pérez, J Aguilar-Hernández, J Sastre-Hernández, ...
Solar energy 80 (6), 682-686, 2006
Physical properties of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 films deposited by close space vapor transport
O Vigil-Galán, F Cruz-Gandarilla, J Fandiño, F Roy, J Sastré-Hernández, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 24 (2), 025025, 2009
Photoluminescence studies on CdS-CBD films grown by using different S/Cd ratios
J Aguilar-Hernandez, J Sastre-Hernandez, N Ximello-Quiebras, ...
Thin solid films 511, 143-146, 2006
Thin film cadmium telluride charged particle sensors for large area neutron detectors
JW Murphy, L Smith, J Calkins, GR Kunnen, I Mejia, KD Cantley, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (11), 2014
Improving the efficiency of CdS/CdTe solar cells by varying the thiourea/CdCl2 ratio in the CdS chemical bath
O Vigil-Galán, A Arias-Carbajal, R Mendoza-Pérez, G Santana-Rodríguez, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 20 (8), 819, 2005
Study of chemical bath deposited CdS bi-layers and their performance in CdS/CdTe solar cell applications
ME Calixto, M Tufiño-Velazquez, G Contreras-Puente, O Vigil-Galán, ...
Thin Solid Films 516 (20), 7004-7007, 2008
Influence of the S/Cd ratio on the luminescent properties of chemical bath deposited CdS films
J Aguilar-Hernández, J Sastre-Hernández, N Ximello-Quiebras, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (15), 2305-2311, 2006
Photoluminescence studies of CdS thin films annealed in CdCl2 atmosphere
J Aguilar-Hernández, J Sastre-Hernandez, R Mendoza-Perez, ...
Solar Energy Materials and solar cells 90 (6), 704-712, 2006
CdS/CdTe heterostructures for applications in ultra-thin solar cells
K Gutierrez ZB, P G. Zayas-Bazán, O De Melo, F de Moure-Flores, ...
Materials 11 (10), 1788, 2018
Spectral response of CdS/CdTe solar cells obtained with different S/Cd ratios for the CdS chemical bath
O Vigil-Galán, A Arias-Carbajal, R Mendoza-Pérez, G Santana, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (15), 2221-2227, 2006
Study of the physical properties of Bi doped CdTe thin films deposited by close space vapour transport
O Vigil-Galán, E Sánchez-Meza, J Sastré-Hernández, F Cruz-Gandarilla, ...
Thin solid films 516 (12), 3818-3823, 2008
A study of the optical absorption in CdTe by photoacoustic spectroscopy
O Vigil-Galán, E Marín, JS Hernández, E Saucedo, CM Ruiz, ...
Journal of materials science 42, 7176-7179, 2007
Physical properties of Bi doped CdTe thin films grown by CSVT and their influence on the CdS/CdTe solar cells PV-properties
O Vigil-Galán, E Sánchez-Meza, CM Ruiz, J Sastré-Hernández, ...
Thin Solid Films 515 (15), 5819-5823, 2007
Physical properties of Bi doped CdTe thin films grown by the CSVT method
O Vigil-Galán, J Sastré-Hernández, F Cruz-Gandarilla, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 90 (15), 2228-2234, 2006
Influence of sodium peroxide during the synthesis of SiO2 obtained from rice husk
J Sastré-Hernández, JR Aguilar-Hernández, J Santoyo-Salazar, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 114, 105087, 2020
Development of a CdCl2 thermal treatment process for improving CdS/CdTe ultrathin solar cells
K Gutierrez ZB, PG Zayas-Bazán, F de Moure-Flores, D Jiménez-Olarte, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 16932-16938, 2019
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Articles 1–20