Jakub Tomczyński
Jakub Tomczyński
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Cited by
putEMG—a surface electromyography hand gesture recognition dataset
P Kaczmarek, T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński
Sensors 19 (16), 3548, 2019
PUT-hand—Hybrid industrial and biomimetic gripper for elastic object manipulation
T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński, K Walas, D Belter
Electronics 9 (7), 1147, 2020
Towards sensor position-invariant hand gesture recognition using a mechanomyographic interface
P Kaczmarek, T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński
2017 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and …, 2017
Hand gesture-based interface with multichannel sEMG band enabling unknown gesture discrimination
J Tomczyński, P Kaczmarek, T Mańkowski
2015 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo), 52-57, 2015
Cie-dataglove, a multi-imu system for hand posture tracking
T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński, P Kaczmarek
Automation 2017: Innovations in Automation, Robotics and Measurement …, 2017
Influence of sEMG electrode matrix configuration on hand gesture recognition performance
J Tomczyński, T Mańkowski, P Kaczmarek
2017 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and …, 2017
EKF-based method for kinematic configuration estimation of finger-like structure using low grade multi-IMU system
P Kaczmarek, J Tomczyński, T Mańkowski
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for …, 2016
Cross-sensor calibration procedure for magnetometer and inertial units
J Tomczyński, T Mańkowski, P Kaczmarek
Automation 2017: Innovations in Automation, Robotics and Measurement …, 2017
CIE-Hand towards Prosthetic Limb
J Tomczyński, T Mańkowski, K Walas, P Kaczmarek
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques: Volume 2 Robotics …, 2015
Surface electromyography amplifier with high environmental interference resistance
T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński, P Kaczmarek
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques: Volume 3 …, 2015
IMU-based kinematic chain pose estimation using Extended Kalman Filter
P Kaczmarek, T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński
Advances in Cooperative Robotics, 331-338, 2017
Localisation method for sEMG electrode array, towards hand gesture recognition HMI development
J Tomczyński, T Mańkowski, P Kaczmarek
2017 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and …, 2017
An FPGA-based proof of a concept solution for datacentre energy efficiency improvement
M Kraft, J Tomczyński, T Mańkowski, M Fularz
Measurement Automation Monitoring 62 (5), 160-162, 2016
A test bench setup with programmable trajectory for IMU-based dataglove development
T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński, P Kaczmarek
Measurement Automation Monitoring 62, 2016
Oszwałdowski, Maciej 101, 111 Pasternak, Iwona 171, 237 Petruk, Oleg 101, 111, 205 Pogorzelski, Dawid 181
P Råback, J Grzybowski, M Hamela, A Idzkowski, D Jackiewicz, ...
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques: Volume 3 …, 2015
The EOG event recognition method in an EEG signal towards SSVEP BCI improvement
P Kaczmarek, T Mańkowski, J Tomczyński
Measurement Automation Monitoring 61, 2015
Oszwałdowski, Maciej 101, 111
P Fotowicz, G Gawlik, O Ginko, J Grzybowski, M Hamela, A Idzkowski, ...
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques, 349, 0
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Articles 1–17