Joerg M Schaefer
Joerg M Schaefer
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia University
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The last glacial termination
GH Denton, RF Anderson, JR Toggweiler, RL Edwards, JM Schaefer, ...
science 328 (5986), 1652-1656, 2010
Geological calibration of spallation production rates in the CRONUS-Earth project
B Borchers, S Marrero, G Balco, M Caffee, B Goehring, N Lifton, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 31, 188-198, 2016
Acceleration of ice loss across the Himalayas over the past 40 years
JM Maurer, JM Schaefer, S Rupper, A Corley
Science advances 5 (6), eaav7266, 2019
Regional beryllium-10 production rate calibration for late-glacial northeastern North America
G Balco, J Briner, RC Finkel, JA Rayburn, JC Ridge, JM Schaefer
Quaternary Geochronology 4 (2), 93-107, 2009
High-frequency Holocene glacier fluctuations in New Zealand differ from the northern signature
JM Schaefer, GH Denton, M Kaplan, A Putnam, RC Finkel, DJA Barrell, ...
science 324 (5927), 622-625, 2009
Near-synchronous interhemispheric termination of the last glacial maximum in mid-latitudes
JM Schaefer, GH Denton, DJA Barrell, S Ivy-Ochs, PW Kubik, ...
science 312 (5779), 1510-1513, 2006
In situ cosmogenic 10Be production-rate calibration from the Southern Alps, New Zealand
AE Putnam, JM Schaefer, DJA Barrell, M Vandergoes, GH Denton, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 5 (4), 392-409, 2010
Glacier advance in southern middle-latitudes during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
AE Putnam, GH Denton, JM Schaefer, DJA Barrell, BG Andersen, ...
Nature Geoscience 3 (10), 700-704, 2010
Timing of deglaciation on the northern Alpine foreland (Switzerland)
S Ivy-Ochs, J Schäfer, PW Kubik, HA Synal, C Schlüchter
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 97, 47-55, 2004
A 10Be production‐rate calibration for the Arctic
NE Young, JM Schaefer, JP Briner, BM Goehring
Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (5), 515-526, 2013
Cosmogenic noble gas studies in the oldest landscape on earth: surface exposure ages of the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
JM Schäfer, S Ivy-Ochs, R Wieler, I Leya, H Baur, GH Denton, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 167 (3-4), 215-226, 1999
In-situ cosmogenic 10Be production rate at Lago Argentino, Patagonia: implications for late-glacial climate chronology
MR Kaplan, JA Strelin, JM Schaefer, GH Denton, RC Finkel, R Schwartz, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 309 (1-2), 21-32, 2011
The timing of glacier advances in the northern European Alps based on surface exposure dating with cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, and 21Ne
S Ivy-Ochs, H Kerschner, A Reuther, M Maisch, R Sailer, J Schaefer, ...
Glacier retreat in New Zealand during the Younger Dryas stadial
MR Kaplan, JM Schaefer, GH Denton, DJA Barrell, TJH Chinn, ...
Nature 467 (7312), 194-197, 2010
The CRONUS-Earth project: a synthesis
FM Phillips, DC Argento, G Balco, MW Caffee, J Clem, TJ Dunai, R Finkel, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 31, 119-154, 2016
The limited influence of glaciations in Tibet on global climate over the past 170 000 yr
JM Schäfer, S Tschudi, Z Zhao, X Wu, S Ivy-Ochs, R Wieler, H Baur, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 194 (3-4), 287-297, 2002
The last glacial maximum at 44 S documented by a 10Be moraine chronology at Lake Ohau, Southern Alps of New Zealand
AE Putnam, JM Schaefer, GH Denton, DJA Barrell, SD Birkel, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 62, 114-141, 2013
Greenland was nearly ice-free for extended periods during the Pleistocene
JM Schaefer, RC Finkel, G Balco, RB Alley, MW Caffee, JP Briner, ...
Nature 540 (7632), 252-255, 2016
Correction of in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates for geomagnetic field intensity variations during the past 800,000 years
J Masarik, M Frank, JM Schäfer, R Wieler
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (17), 2995-3003, 2001
Testing the Lake Agassiz meltwater trigger for the Younger Dryas
T Lowell, N Waterson, T Fisher, H Loope, K Glover, G Comer, I Hajdas, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 86 (40), 365-372, 2005
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Articles 1–20