Gulce Ogruc Ildiz
Gulce Ogruc Ildiz
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The Sariçiçek howardite fall in Turkey: Source crater of HED meteorites on Vesta and impact risk of Vestoids
O Unsalan, P Jenniskens, QZ Yin, E Kaygisiz, J Albers, DL Clark, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54 (5), 953-1008, 2019
Proje yönetimi: İnşaat firmalarında proje müdürlerinin iş yükü, iş stresi, iş tatmini ve motivasyon ilişkisi
İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi/Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü/İnşaat Mühendisliği …, 2009
Conformational analysis and vibrational study of sulfanilamide
GO Ildiz, S Akyuz
Vibrational Spectroscopy 58, 12-18, 2012
FTIR spectroscopic and quantum chemical studies on hydantoin
GO Ildiz, I Boz, O Unsalan
Optics and Spectroscopy 112, 665-670, 2012
Molecular structure, infrared spectra, photochemistry, and thermal properties of 1-methylhydantoin
BA Nogueira, GO Ildiz, J Canotilho, MES Eusebio, R Fausto
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (31), 5994-6008, 2014
FT-IR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis as an auxiliary tool for diagnosis of mental disorders: Bipolar and schizophrenia cases
GO Ildiz, M Arslan, O Unsalan, C Araujo-Andrade, E Kurt, HT Karatepe, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 152, 551-556, 2016
Experimental, ab initio and density functional theory studies on sulfadiazine
G Ogruc-Ildiz, S Akyuz, AE Ozel
Journal of Molecular Structure 924, 514-522, 2009
Matrix isolation infrared spectra and photochemistry of hydantoin
GO Ildiz, CM Nunes, R Fausto
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (4), 726-734, 2013
Investigation of the magnetocaloric effect and the critical behavior of the interacting superparamagnetic nanoparticles of La0. 8Sr0. 15Na0. 05MnO3
A Tozri, S Alhalafi, ZA Alrowaili, M Horchani, A Omri, R Skini, S Ghorai, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 890, 161739, 2022
IR-induced and tunneling reactions in cryogenic matrices: the (incomplete) story of a successful endeavor
R Fausto, GO Ildiz, CM Nunes
Chemical Society Reviews 51 (7), 2853-2872, 2022
İnşaat firmalarında proje müdürlerinin iş yükü, iş stresi, iş tatmini ve motivasyon ilişkisi
G Öğrüç Ildız
İstanbul: Kültür Üniversitesi, 2009
Near-infrared in situ generation of the higher-energy trans conformer of tribromoacetic acid: Observation of a large-scale matrix-site changing mediated by conformational …
RFG Apostolo, G Bazso, G Ogruc-Ildiz, G Tarczay, R Fausto
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (4), 2018
5-Methylhydantoin: from isolated molecules in a low-temperature argon matrix to solid state polymorphs characterization
BA Nogueira, GO Ildiz, J Canotilho, MES Eusébio, MSC Henriques, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (28), 5267-5279, 2017
Structural Aspects of the Ortho Chloro- and Fluoro- Substituted Benzoic Acids: Implications on Chemical Properties
G Ogruc Ildiz, R Fausto
Molecules 25 (21), 4908, 2020
Micro-Raman, FTIR, SEM-EDX and structural analysis of the Çanakkale meteorite
O Unsalan, A Yilmaz, O Bolukbasi, B Ozturk, HH Esenoglu, GO Ildiz, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 92, 250-255, 2012
PLS-DA Model for the Evaluation of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents through Blood Serum FTIR Spectra
G Ogruc Ildiz, A Karadag, E Kaygisiz, R Fausto
Molecules 26 (11), 3400, 2021
A comparative study of the yellow dent and purple flint maize kernel components by Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics
GO Ildiz, HN Kabuk, ES Kaplan, G Halimoglu, R Fausto
Journal of Molecular Structure 1184, 246-253, 2019
Raman spectroscopic and chemometric investigation of lipid–protein ratio contents of soybean mutants
G Ogruc Ildiz, O Celik, C Atak, A Yilmaz, HN Kabuk, E Kaygisiz, A Ayan, ...
Applied Spectroscopy 74 (1), 34-41, 2020
Conformational analysis and vibrational spectroscopic studies on dapsone
GO Ildiz, S Akyuz
Optics and Spectroscopy 113, 495-504, 2012
FTIR investigation of the O–H··· Xe interaction in simple carboxylic acids in solid xenon
GO Ildiz, CM Nunes, N Kuş, R Fausto
The Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (6), 2012
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Articles 1–20