Steven Mascaro
Steven Mascaro
Dr Steven Mascaro
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Cited by
Anomaly detection in vessel tracks using Bayesian networks
S Mascaro, AE Nicholso, KB Korb
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 55 (1), 84-98, 2014
Incorporating expert knowledge when learning Bayesian network structure: a medical case study
MJ Flores, AE Nicholson, A Brunskill, KB Korb, S Mascaro
Artificial intelligence in medicine 53 (3), 181-204, 2011
I nvestigate D iscuss E stimate A ggregate for structured expert judgement
AM Hanea, MF McBride, MA Burgman, BC Wintle, F Fidler, L Flander, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 33 (1), 267-279, 2017
Learning abnormal vessel behaviour from AIS data with Bayesian networks at two time scales
S Mascaro, KB Korb, AE Nicholson
Tracks a Journal of Artists Writings, 1-34, 2010
BARD: A structured technique for group elicitation of Bayesian networks to support analytic reasoning
EP Nyberg, AE Nicholson, KB Korb, M Wybrow, I Zukerman, S Mascaro, ...
Risk Analysis 42 (6), 1155-1178, 2022
Suicide as an evolutionarily stable strategy
S Mascaro, KB Korb, AE Nicholson
Advances in Artificial Life: 6th European Conference, ECAL 2001 Prague …, 2001
Evolving ethics: the new science of good and evil
S Mascaro, K Korb, A Nicholson, O Woodberry
Andrews UK Limited, 2015
Balancing the elicitation burden and the richness of expert input when quantifying discrete Bayesian networks
MJ Barons, S Mascaro, AM Hanea
Risk Analysis 42 (6), 1196-1234, 2022
Predicting the causative pathogen among children with osteomyelitis using Bayesian networks–improving antibiotic selection in clinical practice
Y Wu, C McLeod, C Blyth, A Bowen, A Martin, A Nicholson, S Mascaro, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 107, 101895, 2020
BARD: A structured technique for group elicitation of Bayesian networks to support analytic reasoning
AE Nicholson, KB Korb, EP Nyberg, M Wybrow, I Zukerman, S Mascaro, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01207, 2020
The intelligence game: Assessing Delphi groups and structured question formats
B Wintle, S Mascaro, F Fidler, M McBride, M Burgman, L Flander, G Saw, ...
SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western …, 2012
Urinary tract infections in children: building a causal model-based decision support tool for diagnosis with domain knowledge and prospective data
JA Ramsay, S Mascaro, AJ Campbell, DA Foley, AO Mace, P Ingram, ...
BMC medical research methodology 22 (1), 218, 2022
An integrated biosecurity risk assessment model (IBRAM) for evaluating the risk of import pathways for the establishment of invasive species
LE Jamieson, O Woodberry, S Mascaro, N Meurisse, R Jaksons, ...
Risk Analysis 42 (6), 1325-1345, 2022
Inference in the wild: A framework for human situation assessment and a case study of air combat
K McAnally, C Davey, D White, M Stimson, S Mascaro, K Korb
Cognitive science 42 (7), 2181-2204, 2018
Programming Bayesian network solutions with netica
O Woodberry, S Mascaro
Bayesian Intelligence, 2014
Chapter 13 An ALife Investigation on the Origins of Dimorphic Parental Investments
S Mascaro, KB Korb, AE Nicholson
Recent Advances In Artificial Life, 171-185, 2005
Discrete choice experiment to evaluate preferences of patients with cystic fibrosis among alternative treatment-related health outcomes: a protocol
C McLeod, R Norman, A Schultz, S Mascaro, S Webb, T Snelling
BMJ open 9 (8), e030348, 2019
Alife investigation of parental investment in reproductive strategies
S Mascaro, KB Korb, AE Nicholson
ALIFE VIII-Proceedings of The 8th International Conference, 358-361, 2002
The philosophy of computer simulation
KB Korb, S Mascaro
Logic, methodology and philosophy of science: proceedings of the thirteenth …, 2009
Predicting the causative pathogen among children with pneumonia using a causal Bayesian network
Y Wu, S Mascaro, M Bhuiyan, P Fathima, AO Mace, MP Nicol, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 19 (3), e1010967, 2023
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Articles 1–20