gert storms
gert storms
psychologie, universiteit leuven
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The “Small World of Words” English word association norms for over 12,000 cue words
S De Deyne, DJ Navarro, A Perfors, M Brysbaert, G Storms
Behavior research methods 51, 987-1006, 2019
Word associations: Network and semantic properties
S De Deyne, G Storms
Behavior research methods 40 (1), 213-231, 2008
How bilinguals solve the naming problem
E Ameel, G Storms, BC Malt, SA Sloman
Journal of memory and language 53 (1), 60-80, 2005
A relevance theory of induction
DL Medin, JD Coley, G Storms, BL Hayes
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 10 (3), 517-532, 2003
Better explanations of lexical and semantic cognition using networks derived from continued rather than single-word associations
S De Deyne, DJ Navarro, G Storms
Behavior research methods 45, 480-498, 2013
Norms of age of acquisition and concreteness for 30,000 Dutch words
M Brysbaert, M Stevens, S De Deyne, W Voorspoels, G Storms
Acta psychologica 150, 80-84, 2014
Word associations: Norms for 1,424 Dutch words in a continuous task
S De Deyne, G Storms
Behavior research methods 40 (1), 198-205, 2008
In search of abstraction: The varying abstraction model of categorization
W Vanpaemel, G Storms
Psychonomic bulletin & review 15, 732-749, 2008
The quality of the caregiving relationship in informal care for older adults with dementia and chronic psychiatric patients
N Spruytte, C Van Audenhove, F Lammertyn, G Storms
Psychology and psychotherapy: Theory, research and practice 75 (3), 295-311, 2002
Semantic convergence in the bilingual lexicon
E Ameel, BC Malt, G Storms, F Van Assche
Journal of memory and language 60 (2), 270-290, 2009
Expressed emotion: A review of assessment instruments
G Van Humbeeck, C Van Audenhove, M De Hert, G Pieters, G Storms
Clinical Psychology Review 22 (3), 321-341, 2002
Exemplar by feature applicability matrices and other Dutch normative data for semantic concepts
S De Deyne, S Verheyen, E Ameel, W Vanpaemel, MJ Dry, W Voorspoels, ...
Behavior research methods 40, 1030-1048, 2008
Are we wasting a good crisis? The availability of psychological research data after the storm
W Vanpaemel, M Vermorgen, L Deriemaecker, G Storms
Collabra 1 (1), 3, 2015
Similarity of fMRI activity patterns in left perirhinal cortex reflects semantic similarity between words
R Bruffaerts, P Dupont, R Peeters, S De Deyne, G Storms, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (47), 18597-18607, 2013
Prototype and exemplar-based information in natural language categories
G Storms, P De Boeck, W Ruts
Journal of Memory and Language 42 (1), 51-73, 2000
Object naming and later lexical development: From baby bottle to beer bottle
E Ameel, B Malt, G Storms
Journal of Memory and Language 58 (2), 262-285, 2008
Dutch norm data for 13 semantic categories and 338 exemplars
W Ruts, S De Deyne, E Ameel, W Vanpaemel, T Verbeemen, G Storms
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 36 (3), 506-515, 2004
The influence of working memory load on semantic priming.
T Heyman, B Van Rensbergen, G Storms, KA Hutchison, S De Deyne
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (3), 911, 2015
Structure at every scale: A semantic network account of the similarities between unrelated concepts.
S De Deyne, DJ Navarro, A Perfors, G Storms
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (9), 1228, 2016
Predicting lexical norms: A comparison between a word association model and text-based word co-occurrence models
H Vankrunkelsven, S Verheyen, G Storms, S De Deyne
Journal of cognition 1 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20