Roger Schvaneveldt
Roger Schvaneveldt
Arizona State University; New Mexico State University; SUNY Stony Brook
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Facilitation in recognizing pairs of words: evidence of a dependence between retrieval operations.
DE Meyer, RW Schvaneveldt
Journal of experimental psychology 90 (2), 227, 1971
Pathfinder associative networks: Studies in knowledge organization.
RW Schvaneveldt
Ablex Publishing, 1990
An activation–verification model for letter and word recognition: The word-superiority effect.
KR Paap, SL Newsome, JE McDonald, RW Schvaneveldt
Psychological review 89 (5), 573, 1982
Functions of graphemic and phonemic codes in visual word-recognition
DE Meyer, RW Schvaneveldt, MG Ruddy
Memory & cognition 2, 309-321, 1974
Meaning, Memory Structure, and Mental Processes: People's rapid reactions to words help reveal how stored semantic information is retrieved.
DE Meyer, RW Schvaneveldt
Science 192 (4234), 27-33, 1976
Network structures in proximity data
RW Schvaneveldt
The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory …, 1989
Lexical ambiguity, semantic context, and visual word recognition.
RW Schvaneveldt, DE Meyer, CA Becker
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 2 (2), 243, 1976
Measuring the structure of expertise
RW Schvaneveldt, FT Durso, TE Goldsmith, TJ Breen, NM Cooke, ...
International journal of man-machine studies 23 (6), 699-728, 1985
Semantic-context effects on word recognition: Influence of varying the proportion of items presented in an appropriate context
JR Tweedy, RH Lapinski, RW Schvaneveldt
Memory & Cognition 5, 84-89, 1977
Retrieval and comparison processes in semantic memory
RW Schvaneveldt, DE Meyer
Attention and performance IV, 395-409, 1973
Frequency and pronounceability in visually presented naming and lexical decision tasks
KR Paap, JE McDonald, RW Schvaneveldt, RW Noel
Attention and performance XII, 221-243, 2016
Recall and measures of memory organization.
NM Cooke, FT Durso, RW Schvaneveldt
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 12 (4), 538, 1986
Properties of Pathfinder networks.
DW Dearholt, RW Schvaneveldt
Ablex Publishing, 1990
What is learned from artificial grammars? Transfer tests of simple association.
RL Gomez, RW Schvaneveldt
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 20 (2), 396, 1994
Attention and probabilistic sequence learning
RW Schvaneveldt, RL Gomez
Psychological Research 61 (3), 175-190, 1998
Reflective random indexing and indirect inference: A scalable method for discovery of implicit connections
T Cohen, R Schvaneveldt, D Widdows
Journal of biomedical informatics 43 (2), 240-256, 2010
Semantic context and the encoding of words: Evidence for two modes of stimulus analysis.
RW Schvaneveldt, JE McDonald
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 7 (3), 673, 1981
Activation of lexical memory
DE Meyer
Paper persented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, 1972, 1972
Effects of computer programming experience on network representations of abstract programming concepts
NJ Cooke, RW Schvaneveldt
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29 (4), 407-427, 1988
The effect of semantic context on children's word recognition
R Schvaneveldt, BP Ackerman, T Semlear
Child Development, 612-616, 1977
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20